So do I, somewhere far from internet access preferably.
I have had an exhausting walk round the golf course.
If you'd take off twenty pounds, you wouldn't tire so easily.
I think I'm getting hungry
Try to eat a proper meal instead of that fast food crap again...
I'm ready to climb in bed with a good book.
It's really much better with another person, but I supose books can be good company too
I think I might go for a swim
I hope you are accompanied by a dozen sharks
I have a very large nose
Well, since you were the one to mention it, I might as well tell you that your nose enters a room a full ten seconds before the rest of you.
I have to go to work now.
How many propositions do you get at 8:13 AM anyway?
I'm having friends over for dinner tomorrow.
What do you serve for dessert? Condoms and honey?
I always feed my company well.
I've heard that burnt liver and over steamed peas are your culinary specialties.
I feel so tired.
Writing sentences over 8 words long is tiring to someone of very little brain.
I have to take my computer to the repair shop today as it has a memory problem
Just like its owner! Vagueness must be catching at your house!
It's bloody cold tonight. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I guess adjusting your air conditioner is too complicated a task for you.
I don't know what to wear today.
Judging from your wardrobe, you've NEVER known what to wear.
There's nothing like a good cup of coffee.
It's a shame you don't know how to make one.
I think I'll have some chocolate.
As if your ass isn't big enough already....
Work sucks today.
I suppose that's your excuse for never doing any.
Are Krispie Kremes better than Dunkin' Donuts?
No wonder your cholesterol reading is higher than your I.Q.
My dog really loves me.
uh, animal "loving" is illegal in this country...
I can't wait to get home and read my new book.
Good for you, a book with pictures AND words!
Should I upgrade to Windows XP?
Just invest in some blinds--your neighbors are sick of the view.
I think Coke is better than Pepsi