Oh, good we can make horsehair cushions.
I bought a new old lamp, it is so tacky I love it; I think I will put it in the kitchen!
Sounds like it fits your personality perfectly.
My tractor is the fastest in the county.
What year model again, 1949? Must be boring on the roads there.
I plan to hang my matchstick shades soon.
do it STAT, the passers-by were complaining vigorously.
I ran out of coffee and the only coffee we got at work is Dunking Donut. Yechkhch.
So your hooked on caffeine, eh? What lack of character!
I bought some Peet's coffee last week; it's very good, but very expensive.
Did you notice the clerks snickering as you left?
They sold you the Wal-Mart special because they knew you couldn't tell the difference.
I could use a nap.
You can certainly nap at any given time. Nobody will ever notice you're asleep anyway.
That vile DD coffee gave me a vile headache.
Vile...to go right along with your disposition.
I'm hungry.
Try eating your words, they're dull and stodgy like an old burger.
I'm going to bed early tonight.
And may you stay there for a looooong time!
Mom sent me the most confusing email ever, involving cherries, funeral and a colleague of my sister's...
Your funeral, I trust.
My MS word keeps crashing, yet the virus scan shows no infection.
Maybe it was making an editorial comment!
I am going to by the 9/11 commission book.
It's not a coloring book, Phoenix.
I jumped off a cliff last night (hanglider attached) and soared with the eagles.
It's a shame the handglider was attached!!
Argh! need some sleep soon before I fall off my chair!
OK, Murgie, let's think this through...
To avoid falling:
1. Get off the chair.
2. Go to bed.
3. THEN sleep.
I'm going to tune my guitar.
Well, if that helps...
I would like to welcome murgie despite the unpromising name
Clary, Murgy doesn't want your 'welcome' - is there ANYBODY who wants to be welcomed by you?
Mom, do I really have to walk the dog?
Ha ha! You thought the exercise was for the dog's benefit, oh chunky one! Silly you!
I wonder what I'll have for dinner tonight?
I'd lay off the children if I were you, the villagers are starting to notice.
I'm too lazy to read all 14 pages before jumping in here.
At the rate you read, it would probably take you a week.
I think I need a vacation.