You mean you just want to have fun? Time to grow up, kiddo, stop smelling all those roses.
Do I need a vacation?
We all need a vacation from looking at you.
Arent I the smartest thing under the sun?
Yeah, the sun that's reflecting off a monkey's bare ass while it's squeezing out a steamy one.
Where should I go on vacation?
you could offer your talents to any small village that needs an idiot.
Why do I like to dres up like a sailor?
So people will mix you up with Popeye.
Do I have to go to work tomorrow?
I doubt your boss would mind - your efficiency is pretty much the same if you stay at home
I can't wait for Olympic games to start.
Well, I suppose that someone has to ogle big, sweaty men.
Do you think that I would be a good actress?
(By the way, it's nice to see you again, Moun!)
Well I don't know, take off your clothes for a start and come closer...closer...okay...a bit more closer...
Dolphins are just so cool....
(thanks, same

Hardly! You will experience problems getting to Armenia, and once there, will have to walk 3 miles to get provisions - no time for inspiration!
Lost Translation is a boring movie with no substance.
How can someone who chips prepositions ever have the conceit to think that they will become a decent cinema critic?
I am not dangerous, in the slightest
Your safe enough until you start destroying people
with your acidic remarks.
Do you think I would be suitable to stand for parliament?
Indeed you would be! You never know, Rod; the Monster Raving Looney Party may come into power, one day.
Will I go down in history?
Only in the way that Monica Lewinsky went down.
Should I start being a pillar of the community?
Is that anything like a pillar of salt?
Why do I waste my time like this?
Probably because you are little use in any other sphere, except possibly writing doggerel about seals (sealerel?)
Who says A2K is a waste of time?
Of course it's a woeful waste of time! If we had anything REAL to do we'd all be out doing it! We're socail failures! Let's just faCE IT!
Australians are the most intelligent A2K posters.
That's probably true because being robbers and criminals they all had a lot of time to read and learn lots of stuff - for centuries!
Strawberries are best fruit.
who gives **** about your disgusting eating habits you retard.
I can draw a perfect circle with one pencil line