Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 10:02 am
Do I feel comfortable betting against the integrity of Clinton in a match up with Bernie? Oh hell yes.

Look at what we CAN see. I suspect more dirt upon closer inspection.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 11:08 am
That's all I've been doing - just looking at what's available to see. The conjecture is all coming from people who are HOPING Clinton herself did something wrong with this data breach.
All the available evidence - just as is, not embellished by opinion - says that 3 or 4 Bernie staffers got caught trying to use data that wasn't theirs. That's ALL anyone can verify.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 11:44 am
I know Hillary's backers will not watch this, but
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 12:15 pm
Snood should watch and comment.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 12:30 pm
The interview with Larry Lessig that followed this clip is fascinating. I recommend it.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 12:35 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

I know Hillary's backers will not watch this, but

I watched the whole thing - and I am not a "Hillary Backer". I will "back" whoever the Dem nominee is, and I will vote for Bernie in the NC primary.

Even Cenk Uygur - the Young Turks reporter in this piece - says repeatedly "I don't know if there was a plant", before he goes on to further promote the speculation from the "Sanders campaign adviser" (who is anonymous).

And the Bernie backers are disingenuous when they recount this story. They always leave out that there was more than one staffer involved, and they always quickly gloss over the fact that this was admitted to be illegitimate activity. They skip quickly to the speculation again that it was all somehow (they're not quite clear how, but somehow) Hillary Clinton's fault, aided and abeted by the DNC.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 01:09 pm
Well, I hope the “Bernie backers” will read this post and not just slough it off…

I need to say a couple things about this Bernie vs Hillary thing.

First of all- I think Bernie Sanders is a remarkable person who has mounted a startling and inspirational campaign. He agrees with more of the liberal/progressive agenda than any presidential candidate I've ever seen. He has confounded all the doubters about how much support he could garner, and he has set records for grass-roots contributions and the ability to stir up crowds in numbers.

Because I resist giving in to all the wild speculation, innuendo and outright inflammatory accusation that is not based in fact, I get pigeonholed as a "Clintonista", a sell-out, a fool, and worse.

I am not any of those things. I, too am troubled by some of the legitimate things mentioned by Bernie supporters. The cozy relationship between the DNC chair and Hillary Clinton. The limitation of debates to only six, and then stuffing them into Saturday evenings to compete with football games. The virtual media blackout of Bernie – he only gets mentioned when his campaign does something spectacular or controversial, and then it’s only mentioned briefly. I think these things are reasons for legitimate complaint, and I think they all suck big time.

I am not blind to those things. But I don’t make any more of them than what they are. I don’t take these unfair things and extrapolate more nefarious things from them. I don’t assume convoluted schemes.

I don't think Bernie does, either. I know his “advisers” “managers” and “staff” seem to be rife with people making all kinds of accusations about the dirt that is being done to Bernie, but this is what actually came out of Bernie’s mouth this past Sunday:

"We're trying to work with the DNC to put this whole thing behind us," Sanders said on NBC's "Meet the Press" when he was asked to provide an update on the situation. "Right now we're in negotiations with the DNC."
Sanders said he would prefer moving on to discuss income and wealth inequality, climate change and campaign finance issues.
"I think on both sides we'd like to focus on the real issues," he added.

I think it’s REAL important for those concerned with the truth of things and not just promoting their agenda to pay attention to what Bernie actually says, and not what is attributed to him by others. I think the constant fanning of conspiracy claims – whether some of them turn out to have some truth to them or not – serves NO ONE.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 01:39 pm
Well, I love most of what you're thinking, so I have no real complaints about the small fissures in our opinions except it's not that I *hope*Hillary's team was culpable. I *suspect* they were. An investigation would clear it up, and I wanted one.

Doesn't appear on the horizon. I'll survive.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 03:13 pm
The point to me is, Bernie will be the only one even trying. If he gets elected, it will be with a great deal of public good will, which is what gets things done. The public support. That's what got Democrats to panic and help Bush pass so many bogus war actions and programs. It's what Bernie will need.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 09:31 pm
The point to me is, Bernie will be the only one even trying.

Finally you get it. Bernie isent going to do shyt with a republican congress. All his rhetoric about change is nothing but political hot air.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 09:47 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

The point to me is, Bernie will be the only one even trying. If he gets elected, it will be with a great deal of public good will, which is what gets things done. The public support. That's what got Democrats to panic and help Bush pass so many bogus war actions and programs. It's what Bernie will need.

The public support gets things done - really?

If Bernie were to win the general election, he's going to need a hell of a lot more than a lot of public good will to get anything done. If public good will and the weight of public opinion in itself led to transformation, we would've gotten significant new gun legislation after the Sandy Hook debacle - when public opinion was polling at over 90% for tougher gun laws. I can cite other examples when the will of the people has zero effect on policy change. Bernie would need a majority Democratic Congress to have any chance at all to make the sweeping kind of changes he is proposing. It ain't gonna happen just because he wants it to - neither will it happen because a whole lot of people want it to.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 10:14 pm
Oo, it's too hard. Might as well give up without trying. That's all I read anymore.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 10:33 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Oo, it's too hard. Might as well give up without trying. That's all I read anymore.

That's just stupid. I say that Bernie is going to need a lot more than highly favorable opinion polls to move things in DC. I didn't say giving up was the only option. If you're reading that, it's your problem.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 10:36 pm
Sure it's stupid, but that's the gist of it. Better vote a second choice, because it's just too hard to do the right thing.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 10:41 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Sure it's stupid, but that's the gist of it. Better vote a second choice, because it's just too hard to do the right thing.

It's stupid that you feel you have to be so dismissive and minimalize any opinion that isn't the same as yours about Bernie.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 10:57 pm
That's your opinion.
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 11:10 pm
Epic comeback
Reply Tue 29 Dec, 2015 11:13 pm
Epic material to work with. Always with the personal remarks.
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2015 12:07 am
When you get sarcastic and snide, I guess you give yourself a pass, huh, ed? Not personal when you do it, huh? Well, take heart - I'm just about done responding to you at all on the subject of this election. I'll leave others to fence with you and your conspiracies, persecution complex and hero worship.
Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2015 05:22 am
I have never directed personal remarks at you, other than to wonder why you direct such at me.

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