@bobsal u1553115,
There are at least two ways to look at voting your conscience in the current two party system in America. Your way is one: we are forced to support whatever two shitpiles who can claw and cheat their way to the top of their particular party shitpile.
The way some others look at it is that we refuse to accept **** for leaders. This country is currently tightly in the grip of a system that has no need for us and is not responsive to us. It's easy to buy favor and rig elections. It has been proven that media outlets are on at least the DNC payroll. It has been proven that the DNC refused to allow voters to choose the nominee.
I refuse to reward a corrupt system. I am determined to do what I can to break the current corrupt system in hopes of returning it to a closer facsimile of its original design.
I know this isn't a safe place to agree with that sentiment, but you are alone in the booth - anyone reading. Strengthening a third and fourth party will give great pause to the bullshit artists who are selling us off.
The people need to stop allowing presidents to sign shady deals with Monsanto that affect the quality of food we feed our children. Do you know how many civilians were killed last month with Obama's approval--via drone? Do you know about the encroachments against your privacy that are included on the TPP, pushed by Clinton and Kaine?
You and I are being sold out by career millionaire politicians.
You still have a little power to stop them. Use it.
Be assured I will.