reasoning logic
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 06:58 pm
I love it when young people study politics.

Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 07:37 pm
@reasoning logic,
Well then, I guess somebody needs to tell Bernie because he says he is a democrat socialist.

Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 07:40 pm
Which means he is similar to FDR.
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 07:42 pm
I think the persons who thumb down every post with which they disagree are showing the sort of immaturity that says I can't or don't want to learn.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 07:43 pm
I didn't give an opinion on socialism on way or another.
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 07:47 pm
I didn't give an opinion on socialism on way or another.

You know it is OK for you to come out of the closet and share your understanding with us misinformed voters?
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 07:49 pm
Clinton was one of 77 Senators to vote for the Iraq Resolution, along with Joe Biden, Diane Feinstein, and John Kerry. The resolution empowered the president to go into Iraq if the situation called for it, it did not demand he do so. The resolution came after false intel was fed the Senators. However, being fed a yes/no vote as a Senator is not the same as being a president and having the ability to shape the choices we make. Did we get into bad involvements when her husband, Bill, was president? No.

We straightened out the breakup of Yugoslavia, put an end to the blood running in the streets from militias which were going town to town and killing people. "Ethnic cleansing" they called it. As Russia waited on the sidelines trying to get re-involved in the area militarily, Clinton brought the parties together, got them to sign the Dayton Accords, and put an end to the bloodshed while keeping Russia out of the area. That is one fine piece of work which nobody thought could happen, but Bill Clinton pulled it off. That's what happens when you have competent people running things.

About the only slightly bad aftermath of that is the Serbs, (5 Million people), might not join the EU after the Russians financed an internet troll effort to turn them against the EU. Meanwhile, over 100 Million people in the former Soviet serf states have their freedom and EU membership and are rapidly moving forward as Russia plunges into economic Depression. Which is not paid much attention to in the West, because by Western standards, Russia already is in a Depression even in the best of economic times so it's hard to see when they go into what Russians consider a Depression. But there they are.

And here we are, recovering from our own 2008 recession where the country LOST 11 Million Full Time jobs in 2008-9. In the last 12 months alone we have GAINED 2.3 Million Full Time jobs and 5 Million Full Time jobs in the last two years. The deficit has been cut way down, and the the national debt/GDP ratio, which rose at a sky high rate for a few years during the recession has cooled down and has nearly levelled off, rising an average of only 1.2% annually for the last four years.

Combined with the rising GDP, shrinking deficit and remarkable rebound in Full Time jobs, this country is headed in the right direction in so many ways. Oh, did I mention that blacks, while only 13% of the population, have gotten 24% of the Full Time jobs in the past two years? Not to mention that under Bill Clinton, they got 30% of the Full Time jobs under his watch. In both Administrations all races total did well in the Full Time job department, (Obama's Administration had to get past the worst of the recession he was stuck with when he took office), but that is how you get social justice peacefully. By having the groups who were traditionally left back move forward somewhat faster than the country as a whole, which also is moving forward themselves.

Sorry, I like the direction we are going. Bernie? He's a nice guy. And he has some real good ideas and I admire how he has managed to come as far as he did by using small donations. But Bill Clinton had the country going in the right direction in so many ways until Bush and the Republicans screwed things. And Obama has weathered the horrible recession he inherited from Bush with almost nothing but vicious opposition from the Republicans-he has the country going in the right direction as well. So I am not inclined to agree with people who think that the progress Clinton and Obama have gained should be dismissed and that their votes should go to third parties, even at the risk of the people who screwed everything getting back into power and start disassembling the New Deal. Enough people listened to the Pied Piper in 2000 and got Iraq and the Recession, we can only hope that people have learned their lesson. And ignore people who advocate that they give their vote to fashionable third party candidacies.
reasoning logic
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 07:56 pm
Clinton was one of 77 Senators to vote for the Iraq Resolution

Is this your way of saying Bernie was way ahead of his class?
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 08:01 pm
@reasoning logic,
It's my way of saying that Clinton made a bad choice after being fed bad intel like other good people did, but if she is put in charge she will be able to prevent the choices from coming down to that.

Got anything to disagree with the rest of my original post?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 09:22 pm
You think it becomes right because large numbers made the same criminal mistake? All it does is make the rest of them equally wrong. There is a moral compass somewhere, but none of those people looked for it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 09:30 pm
Lets see. She is promising everyone a chicken in every pot, and a car in every garage? No, thats the liar Bernie promising crap he knows he cant deliver on because he would have a republican house, and if he were the nominee a republican senate and president. If he gets lucky and beats Hillary the communist socialist drumbeat is going to overwhelm him. But like Nader said, 8 years of a republican president will force the populace to vote democratic. If after Trump there is a U S of A.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 09:31 pm
Blickers wrote:

Clinton was one of 77 Senators to vote for the Iraq Resolution, along with Joe Biden, Diane Feinstein, and John Kerry.

So, obviously, edgar would never endorse Biden for President, right?
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 09:33 pm
I don't recall endorsing Biden.
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 09:35 pm
That might have been me, as the least offensive candidate.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 09:41 pm
, according to a Young Turks video.

Jesus Edgar. Get real. They are so far to the left they would vote for Putin as president of the US.
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 09:45 pm
someone wrote:

Biden' my time.

I thought it was you that said that, 3-4 years ago. A cute way of saying you were leaning towards Biden unless something better came along. But now I can't find the quote.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 09:46 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

, according to a Young Turks video.

Jesus Edgar. Get real. They are so far to the left they would vote for Putin as president of the US.

Why do you consider the Young Turks to be extremists, as leftists go?

Also, why do you think of Putin as being a left-wing choice at all?
Reply Mon 9 May, 2016 10:01 pm
Quote Kolyo:
Why do you consider the Young Turks to be extremists, as leftists go?

If I may answer for Rabel, who is of the Cold War era, traditionally Republicans oppose government programs to address social problems like poverty. Russia was the place where the government owned everything, very little private industry. So conservatives used to accuse Democrats of being a paler form of Communist.

Also, why do you think of Putin as being a left-wing choice at all?

Again, because conservatives opposed government programs, they accused anyone who favored government programs for social problems as being Russia-influenced. Now the tables have turned, and the far right conservatives hate Obama so much that they cheer for Putin when the two clash. They look wistfully into the air and say "I wish we had a real leader like Putin" like teenage girls wishing the class hunk will ask them out. And these are the people who oppose gay marriage.
Reply Tue 10 May, 2016 06:35 am
like teenage girls wishing the class hunk will ask them out.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 10 May, 2016 06:42 am
Who's More Likely to Beat Donald Trump — Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders?
Source: NBC News


Hillary Clinton holds a 12-point lead over Bernie Sanders nationally, but in a hypothetical match-up against Donald Trump, Sanders does much better than the current Democratic front-runner.

As Ted Cruz and John Kasich exited the Republican primary race last week — making Trump the party's presumptive nominee — Clinton and Sanders have used Trump's candidacy to argue that they would be in the best position to defeat him in the general election in November.

When respondents in our NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll were asked whether they would cast a vote for Trump or either of the Democratic candidates still in the race, Sanders is the favorite over Trump by 13 points.

Clinton also beats Trump, but the race is decidedly closer — 49 percent to 44 percent. These results are according to the latest from the NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll conducted online from May 2 through May 8 of 12,714 adults including 11,089 registered voters.

FULL story at link. MAY 10 2016, 6:23 AM ET

Read more:

Meanwhile Hillary has her hands FULL with Trump in another poll: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in a dead heat in three key swing states: Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania:

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