Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 07:53 pm
Quote maxdancona:
I am also curious... and this question is for all Hillary supporters. Do you really want to continue Obama's performance?

When Obama first took office,the country had LOST six Million Full Time jobs the previous year under his predecessor. Now the country has GAINED 2.5 Million Full Time jobs in the last 12 months alone and 5 Million full time jobs in the past two years. Stock market has more than doubled. Social Security and Medicare in their normal form have been preserved.

So yes, I wouldn't mind a continuation at all.
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 07:54 pm
Hard to tell. Most of us don't do that. I can make guesses, but that is even sillier.
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 08:07 pm
I am also curious... and this question is for all Hillary supporters. Do you really want to continue Obama's performance?

In a word, yes. To elaborate a little, I think the Affordable Care Act can be expanded and improved but it was an important first step which he made. He also deserves credit for adding jobs and bringing the country from the brink of financial disaster. The drone program must be improved and I think even he agrees. I think you underestimate his opposition as well his achievements.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 08:19 pm
I think that it is a fine distinction for them both to make.

Hillary is running as part of the Democratic establishment. Bernie is running as an outsider. Assuming Hillary gets her rightful crown as Democrat nominee... she would do well to remember that she needs the votes of those of us who want more than more of the same from a second Clinton administration.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 08:31 pm
revelette2 wrote:

I am also curious... and this question is for all Hillary supporters. Do you really want to continue Obama's performance?

In a word, yes. To elaborate a little, I think the Affordable Care Act can be expanded and improved but it was an important first step which he made. He also deserves credit for adding jobs and bringing the country from the brink of financial disaster. The drone program must be improved and I think even he agrees. I think you underestimate his opposition as well his achievements.

This is an interesting policy difference. And this is a substantive debate.

The Affordable Care act, while succeeding in lowering the rate of uninsured, is an economic failure. Already smaller clinics are closing (or being bought by ever larger consolidated health companies). The average distance to a hospital is rising, and costs by any objective measure are not falling (yes there are pockets of our population that are getting affordable care. but on average costs are still rising).

Any solution to fix our health care system has to deal with the fundamental issue at the core of the problem; the profit motive doesn't work in public health.

There are two things that are clear

1) The employer mandate is a ridiculous policy. There is no reason that employment should have anything to do with health care coverage. This was an accident of history... companies started giving health care to get around salary caps during WWII, and they stuck with them. There is no reason to keep a system based on having your employer be responsible for health insurance.

2) A single payer system has been shown in country after country to be the best way to provide universal care and reduce cost.

We are all supposed to support Obamacare to be good Democrats and because we have to stand up to Ugly Republicans. But partisan bullshit is partisan bullshit even when it comes from your own party.

The truth is, Obamacare stopped being a reasonable long term policy the moment Obama dropped the public option (and he did so at the slightest political pressure). That isn't saying that pushing the public option back into the law will fix all the other ways we filled it with unworkable compromises.

We need a single payer system. And even if we don't get one right away... we at least need a president who will push in the right direction rather than giving in to political pressure.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 08:33 pm
The single pay system is the only one that can work. Obamacare will never get the job done without it.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 08:54 pm
Either the Clinton campaign cleans up her rhetoric, or we are going to see some of the roughest accusations so far between the D candidates. The Hillary camp aligned Bernie with gun manufacturers against parents of murdered children, and Bernie promptly held Hillary partially responsible for the deaths of service personnel in Iraq.

I hate that the rhetoric has devolved, but I'm glad as hell she's not getting away with her attacks without getting return fire.

If she doesn't clean up her act, I think she's going to regret it.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 08:59 pm
maxdancona wrote:

she would do well to remember that she needs the votes of those of us who want more than more of the same from a second Clinton administration.

Serious you NOT think she understands that, especially now?
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 09:14 pm
I am one of the voters she wants to vote for HER. From where I am sitting, it doesn't seem like she understands.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 09:21 pm
I think she understands plenty, but I doubt you will be receptive to anyone who is not preaching revolution. She is not-she is interested in moving the country forward, and warding off the barbarians at the gate who want to do away with the New Deal.
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 09:25 pm
maxdancona wrote:
I am one of the voters she wants to vote for HER. From where I am sitting, it doesn't seem like she understands.

I'm not sitting in your socks, but can you point to anything that she's said that makes it seem like she want's to ignore Sanders supporters and their views?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 09:30 pm
Bernie is not strong on gun control, is she not allowed to point that out? And if Hillary was president, we never would have gone into Iraq, because the Clintons do not allow themselves to get painted into a corner in international affairs. That's how Bill solved the bloodshed in the former Yugoslavia without losing a single American life, while keeping Russia basically out of it. That's how Clintons do internationl relations.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 10:18 pm
Pointing out differences on gun control is reasonable. Blaming him for deaths is grandstanding and ridiculous.

We'll see how much she likes being held responsible for Iraq War deaths.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 10:20 pm
Lash wrote:

Pointing out differences on gun control is reasonable. Blaming him for deaths is grandstanding and ridiculous.

We'll see how much she likes being held responsible for Iraq War deaths.

Iraq and Libya.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 10:24 pm
Due to Hillary's actual life, she should avoid mudslinging at all costs. Bernie could annihilate her.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 11:21 pm
Much as you would like to believe otherwise, the voters are not going to hold Hillary responsible for the Iraq War, for as I pointed out, the Clintons do not let themselves get a painted into a corner on foreign policy. Bill straightened out Central and Eastern Europe, stopped the "ethnic cleansing", and kept Russia out of the area mostly.

It's far different when you are one of 100 Senators who have been given two options, and a President who can give himself or herself a wide variety of options. Hillary will not be GW Bush, despite your tireless effort to make her so.
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2016 12:39 am
Bernie correctly answered on how to break up banks and a few other topics, andvthe Daily Beast journalist flunked it. Expect an apology from them for misinforming the public.

And when an honnest man is asked something he doesn't know, he says so...
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2016 12:44 am
The point is that he is RIGHT: you do have authority under the Dodd-Frank legislation to break too large banks. Apparently the Daily News staff was unprepared for their interview... Smile
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reasoning logic
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2016 03:26 am
She laughed at the charge from Sanders' camp that she has to think more of the Democratic Party and less of herself. Considering she has worked for the Democratic Party for 40 years

I you are running for president, "Working for the Democratic party should be more than something you enjoy doing, It shouldn't be all about the money or power.

It should be about the best interest of all people.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2016 04:42 am
snood wrote:
When I hear Bernie and his bots say that thing about the "revolution" will bring about the change, I always think about Sandy Hook. The people of the United States were never more in agreement about the need for specific legislation - universal background checks - than after Sandy Hook. The polls were showing upwards of 90% of people - all the people, republicans included - were in agreement. But even that kind of people's mandate couldn't move the intractable Congress. Even with the impetus of freshly murdered babies, and with the impetus of millions of Americans asking for it, the NRA was stronger.

Damn right we were stronger.

However, the fight was not over background checks. The fight was about unconstitutional bans on harmless cosmetic features like a pistol grip on a rifle.

That's not to say that background checks are acceptable. Since the Democrats are adding ordinary lawful citizens to the list of people prohibited from owning guns, it is imperative to ensure that people are free to buy guns without any sort of background check.
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