Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 05:16 pm
After The Daily News Saturday front page showed Brooklyn-born Sanders in front of the paper's iconic “Who’s a Bum!” image that chronicled the Dodgers 1955 World Series victory, the Clinton and Sanders camps erupted into skirmishing over who would debate the other and when. If ever.

Let’s us all now join for the good of New Yorkers. The Daily News will host a conversation between Clinton and Sanders if both can see their way to participating in a simple, fairly moderated discussion. No hype. No show biz. No gotchas. No dumbed down tit-for-tat provocations. Just question, answer, probe, question, answer, probe.

Then, too, the News Editorial Board hopes to engage with Clinton individually, as we did with Sanders. will post a transcript of that Sanders conversation on Monday.

New York’s former senator and others assert that Sanders’ most sweeping plans, including universal health care and free college tuition, are either politically undoable or financially on Mars.

Time and again, he has asserted both that his numbers will add up and that he would lead an unstoppable political revolution in which all things Sanders became possible.

Since the much mulled points are unverifiable in the extreme, we focused the discussion instead on the practicalities of some of Sanders’ central vows. In some areas, his answers lacked a surprising degree of specificity.

He trumpets, for example, that in the first 100 days of a Sanders administration, the Treasury Department would identify banks and other financial institutions that are deemed too big to fail — and that he would break them up within the first year of his term.

In a speech in January, Sanders said that Section 121 of the Dodd-Frank law gave the government the power to act against an institution that was “a grave threat to the economy.”

In fact, the law empowers the Federal Reserve Board of Governors to take such action.

Asked about the mechanism for the extraordinarily complex undertaking of breaking up a huge bank, Sanders spoke both about passing legislation and about relying on the Federal Reserve.

Sanders: “How you go about doing it is having legislation passed, or giving the authority to the secretary of treasury to determine, under Dodd-Frank, that these banks are a danger to the economy over the problem of too-big-to-fail.”

Daily News: “But do you think that the Fed, now, has that authority?”

Sanders: “Well, I don’t know if the Fed has it. But I think the administration can have it.”

Daily News: “How? How does a President turn to JPMorgan Chase, or have the Treasury turn to any of those banks and say, ‘Now you must do X, Y and Z?’”

Sanders: “Well, you do have authority under the Dodd-Frank legislation to do that, the determination.”

On a related topic, Sanders has often railed that, although banks have paid huge fines and settlements stemming from the financial meltdown, no major executive was criminally punished.

While declining to say that President Obama’s Justice Department had tanked on prosecutions, Sanders told us he would appoint “a much more aggressive attorney general.”

Asked whether prosecutors might have brought indictments under any existing U.S. statutes, Sanders said that he believed so but added:

“Do I have them in front of me, now, legal statutes? No, I don’t.”

Finally, because Sanders has accused Clinton of displaying a lack of zeal toward cracking down on Wall Street, while also pointing out that she had gotten speaking fees from Goldman Sachs, the Daily News asked:

“Were she to be elected, do you think that the American people could have the expectation or the trust that she would be aggressive enough against the banks and financial institutions?”

Sanders answered that Americans “will probably have the expectation she will probably not be aggressive enough.”

Over to you, Secretary Clinton. Your turn to speak

0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 05:23 pm
Did you read the interview Revelette?

Taking snippets from anti-Bernie hit pieces doesn't count as being informed.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 05:32 pm
Not only did I read it, I posted a link to the transcript. He was totally unprepared, face it. When asked how he was going to actually bring about all these fine ideals he has, he kept saying, there will be a political revolution which will (magically) bring it about. As though we haven't been through this with Obama already. But hey, Bernie will be more aggressive I suppose and maybe McConnell will suddenly become a socialist since they won't be a black man in the White House.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 05:41 pm
They don't care about truth. They just want to crown Hillary.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 06:17 pm
I thought his answers were fine to great. He spoke intelligently on the issues that are important. He lacked the political spin that the Clintons give (where they can avoid answering questions and sound good doing it)... but that is a plus to me.

The biggest plus of Bernie (including this interview) is that he represents a departure from the staid, moderate ideas of the oligarchy. I wasn't too thrilled with the past Clinton administration that brought us Don't Ask Don't Tell and the End of Welfare as we Know it, both moderate positions that swept over political problems instead of addressing real problems.

I have yet to here what Hillary says about the banks that are too big to fail. She has mastered the slick pivot line when asked that sounds great but doesn't say anything about the question.

That's one reason I am with Bernie.

Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 06:35 pm
I disagree, he was vague on anything but platitudes.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 06:38 pm
Were you one of the people saying the same thing about Obama in 2008? It is ironic, given that Hillary is now running as a continuation of the Obama administration.

Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 06:43 pm
Would you all stop with the damn downthumbs! There is nothing in what Revelette is saying that deserves to be thumbed down.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 06:43 pm
No I was not, I was and still mostly supportive of Barrack Obama in 2008 and 2012. In fact, Bernie making slights against the performance of Obama is one of things I most disapprove of.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 06:44 pm
It doesn't matter, I figure it is just a sign of tension of this election. I do it myself. But thank you, maybe we should all lighten up on thumbing thing.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 06:47 pm
revelette2 wrote:

Not only did I read it, I posted a link to the transcript. He was totally unprepared, face it. When asked how he was going to actually bring about all these fine ideals he has, he kept saying, there will be a political revolution which will (magically) bring it about. As though we haven't been through this with Obama already. But hey, Bernie will be more aggressive I suppose and maybe McConnell will suddenly become a socialist since they won't be a black man in the White House.

When I hear Bernie and his bots say that thing about the "revolution" will bring about the change, I always think about Sandy Hook. The people of the United States were never more in agreement about the need for specific legislation - universal background checks - than after Sandy Hook. The polls were showing upwards of 90% of people - all the people, republicans included - were in agreement. But even that kind of people's mandate couldn't move the intractable Congress. Even with the impetus of freshly murdered babies, and with the impetus of millions of Americans asking for it, the NRA was stronger.

We don't need a chief executive whose 'plan' is to lead a revolution of popular opinion. We need someone who is battle tested, knowledgeable about the levers of power, and savvy. I think the desire to be reelected will cause Hillary to be able to be influenced by popular demands, so the influence of Bernie (and Warren) will be useful. But we don't need Bernie at the wheel. I haven't seen any reason to believe he could handle it.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 06:51 pm
Quote hingehead:
it took me a little while to realise (after being called 'partisan') that this is largely a forum for shrill Clinton supporters to attack the credibility and intelligence of Sanders supporters (and interested outsiders).

Yes, I called you "partisan".
Now stop that disgusting whining about it.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 06:52 pm
The inability for someone who is antisocial and confronted with inconvenient truth and not laugh is something new to my studies of cluster b disorders

Laughing maniacally??

Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 07:00 pm
I want all to know I do not down thumb anybody, except in the rarest occasions. Haven't a clue who it is, but both sides are doing it.
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 07:05 pm
revelette2 wrote:

No I was not, I was and still mostly supportive of Barrack Obama in 2008 and 2012. In fact, Bernie making slights against the performance of Obama is one of things I most disapprove of.

It is sill ironic. You clearly weren't swayed by the argument that Obama was "was vague on anything but platitudes", and yet here you are repeating this charge against Bernie.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 07:05 pm
I haven't ever thumbed down anything but entire threads to hide them from my view - never individuals.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 07:08 pm
Ever wonder what the cost of college was before 1960?
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 07:12 pm
I want all to know I do not down thumb anybody, except in the rarest occasions. Haven't a clue who it is, but both sides are doing it

I was wondering why I was rarely being thumb down.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 07:19 pm
I am also curious... and this question is for all Hillary supporters. Do you really want to continue Obama's performance?

I am disappointed by Obama, and I voted for him in the both primaries and both general elections. Of course there are several things that I praise him for, DACA and DAPA for example, but there are many areas that I feel he fell short of his promise (in ways that the Republicans can't be blamed for). But he turned out to be quite moderate.

I am very upset about Obama's abuse of the drone program.

Obamacare was a compromise... and although it has significantly lowered the rate of uninsured, it is failed to cut costs to the point that is not objectively sustainable (and anyone who is informed and unbiased understands this).

Obama's policy in Syria, particularly the "red line" that wasn't a red line was clearly flawed.

Of course there is good and bad in everything and Obama's record is mixed... but I expected more from him in terms of being willing to push progressive ideals (in spite of GOP opposition).

I am certainly glad we chose Obama over McCain and Romney, I have no regrets there. But I feel like Obama could have done more to live up to the promise of his campaign.

I don't want someone to just continue Obama's performance.

Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2016 07:48 pm
@reasoning logic,
Quote reasoning logic:
The inability for someone who is antisocial and confronted with inconvenient truth and not laugh is something new to my studies of cluster b disorders

She laughed at the charge from Sanders' camp that she has to think more of the Democratic Party and less of herself. Considering she has worked for the Democratic Party for 40 years and that the charge is coming from a guy who just joined the Democratic Party after being in office for 40 years, the laugh was quite deserved.

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