Rustom Alexis
Bruno Rabindra
Tamlin Yuwei
And your children's names?
Lovely names - unusual and rhythymic
Denise and Joel... nothing unusual, very white bread, as we say here...
Do you have grandchildren?
No, they are all in their twenties but as yet without permanent partners, probably just as well. They are playing the proverbial field, although Bruno has just met someone from Montana that he's fallen head over heels for.
Have you any more than Oliver?
not yet...
are you all on the same continent (or same time zone - ha ha)?
Ah, one's on holiday in Croatia... but the others are in my time zone
Yours in Canada?
Why do ladies talk about babies everytime they get the chance?
Do we? I wonder how often the subject of babies has come up - percentage-wise, I mean.... interesting...
You like THe Smothers Brothers
Never heard of them.
Are there any Smothers Sisters?
Not that I know of. Nor can I remember a time in which spendius and babies were mentioned in the same post.
Do you think global warming will really make the southern coast of Spain too hot to live in?
You would need to ask a more precise question than that Clary for anybody other than a clunker to offer a response.
Are you thinking of going to live in Spain?
No (but at least it widens the scope of questions)
Do you approve of hunting?
Not as a sport, but a fox making a nuisance of itself needs dealing with by someone other than the lads on horseback.
Are you double jointed?
No I'm not but I once knew someone who was and she could do an amazing trick with a ping-pong ball.
Are you a sporty type?
I hate to be typecast, but I have been known to play some sports.
Are you a couch potato?
No, but I may be a dining room chair potato.
Do you like to swim?
Yes, it is the only exercise I favour.
Do your relatives live around you or are you separated by miles?
We are separated by miles and miles from everyone.
Do you ever visit art galleries?
Occasionally, though less than I used to. I've seen so many. I like the most modern ones for a change and so that I can tut-tut over unmade beds and horses' innards.
Do you?
I do, but find the large ones are so predictable they've lost their appeal. I now visit little, out of the way ones.
What do you find to be the best part of travelling?
The joy of arriving somewhere in the evening is only surpassed by the glory of hitting the road the next morning.
Have you travelled a lot?