No, I don't suppose it's too much to ask, but it may be too much to hope for.
Does it bother you that my name has only one syllable and rhymes with Dame?
Not in the least.
How many men howl outside your window when the moon is out?
All those who happen to be werewolves howl!
How often do you say "I Wish..."?
Never. It's daft.
What would you wish for if you knew it would come true?
Hmmm, I wish I understood everything and had a solution for everything.
Is that too much to ask for, do you think?
Well woulnd't it be? You couldn't listen to a problem with out giving your advice because you would know that it is right but then every one else would think that you are an ungreatful know it all prig that always has her way. Don't ya think?
Don't you think that would depend on how you gave the advice? And why would knowing all that make me an ungrateful prig? THat doesn't even make sense.
You're right Mame. As long as it was you who knew everything it would go nice and sweet and the whole world would listen to you and you would be so famous they would be doing forensics on your trash.
Would you like people doing forensics on your trash?
I wouldn't ming.
Would you like to be a forensic scientist?
Nah! It's a bit messy I heard what with the ming shifting Freud's coffin a bit.
Would you like to be 15 and runaway from home and helping out on a travelling fair?
Hey Clary--
It's a thread- Would you like to be--
After you mi Lady.
If Jimmy cracks corn and nobody cares, why is there a song about him?
Perhaps it is to demonstrate that exercises in self pity are exercises in futility.
Where do you hide your valuables?
Why would you think I'd tell you?!
Do you like corn on the cob?
It's okay. But not the big ones.
Why do diddies interject projections of their own negativity into what is usually a pleasant bit of friendly banter?
What's a diddie and what are you talking about?
I'm glad someone asked that question!
Are you an Air sign?
No, but you look like one; perhaps you have a Gemini ascendant or moon.
Does your work involve words, directly?
Yes it does - does yours? and I am an Earth sign.
What are your sons' names?