I'm partial to blue.
How many languages can you speak?
English, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian (and variations of last two such as "Bosnian" and "Montenegrian")
If you can choose one place in the world to live there (besides yours no matter how satisfied you are), what would you choose?
I've been pondering this for a while, since indeed I can choose exactly where I live! There's a lot to be said for SRI LANKA and AUSTRALIA, but I would miss FRANCE and SPAIN.
How about you, where else would you like to live (no matter how much you like your present place)?
Last song you have heard?
Hey I'm Aquarius too!
It was a Guns & Roses tune, but I forget which one. I had been listening to the CD in my car, and when I got in the house I put on the radio and they were there too, so it sort of flowed...
Who's your favorite author?
What's your favorite food?
Favourite author just now - Philip Pullman, and favourite food - curry. A load of Aquarians today, lucky I'm Sagittarius and don't feel intimidated by their superior intellect.
What is your middle name?
I love Sagittarians!
What's yours?
So do I

I have an Aquarian ascendant so I love Aquarians toooooo! Sorry, you got me again...
What is your favourite colour?
green I guess
What's the WORST thing in your town/city?
The drivers.
What color are your eyes?
Green when sunny, brown when cloudy (really)
And what is the BEST thing in your town/city?
The people!
What animal is your favorite pet?
What color is your house?
I live in yellow-white building
What's the very last thing you ate?
Garlic fingers?
What kind of car do you drive?
A Hyundai.
What's your favorite dessert?
A good tiramisu with strong coffee.
What is your favourite vacation?
Any vacation, as I haven't had one in years.
Your favorite home-cooked meal?