Reading, Writing
What did you dream of as a child?
Princes and castles
What do yu dream of?
Of dancing around trees in Bollywood movies.
Do you watch Bolly movies?
I rarely visit the cinema.
I have seen the various advertisments from time to time and they look superb
Do you dance in that manner?
I do

My idea of fun.
What is your idea of fun?
A good night out always ends up with lots of fun, do you go out much?
Yeh, everyday to college riding on my two-wheeler.
Do you drive a two-wheeler?
Good heavens above, no I do not.
Why on earth would I do that?
For commuting, probably.
Is computer exposure harmful for the eyes?
I have no idea.
Why should it be?
Because you might read a message which causes a red mist to descend and red mists exacerbate blood pressure problems and that can cause you eyes to pop out which can be harmful.
Do you like Red Ken?
What a stupid question, how far down into the anus of your mind did you forage to come up with that?
Do you want another go?
Not particularly.
I asked Lyn because she's a Londoner and Red Ken is her guiding beacon. I gather he is engaged on having number plates and tax discs on bikes.
Why was it an anymore stupid question than many others on here including some of yours which I will refrain from quoting as I have no wish to embarrass you?
It was rather a good question and I was looking forward to a proper answer since my London friends are divided on the subject.
Are you pleased about the 2012 Olympics being in London?
Very...does it matter that I am not English?
Two of them asking strange questions of an American regarding England, is it any wonder we have mayhem on the threads?
It matters to the extent that we are forewarned to make due allowance for the solecisms which appear from time to time in your posts.
Don't you think that we English have the nicest manners?
Some of us do, the breeding is important, that is why you are treated differently.
Why are you arguing again over borders in the Delph and Denshaw territory?
I wasn't. Wind farms are completely stupid. The only purpose they serve is to give consumption pigs the complacent message that everything will be alright assuming that the aggravation they cause is unintended which it might not be.In which case there are two purposes. They represent the greedy city through the media it controls laying it on the country again.
Don't you think they should put wind turbines on all the high buildings in cities?
Do you mean on buildings like The Houses of Parliament?