Yes, wasn't it a load of codswallop?
IS that a shocked look on your face? LOL
I haven't got a shocked look on my face.
Wherever did you get an idea like that from.
I've just got back from the pub and I feel sure that had I had a shocked look on my face somebody would have mentioned it because shocked looks are unusual in pubs and it's usual in pubs to talk about things that are unusual and nothing unusual happened coming home from the pub so I presume that answers your question.
Why would you presume that I might have a shocked look on my face?
Because like many on this thread, she believed you were the previous poster.
Do you go to the pub a) every night b) sometimes c) never?
Every night except those extremely rare occasions when something untoward happens.
Would you like to run a pub?
Oh no, it would be ghastly, I am a morning person. And far too much like hard work.
Would you?
I had one once Clary, I put a manager and his wife in. The wife was the perfect landlady, her husband was a dolt.
Have you noticed in life how one partner can ruin a good life?
It is a basic principle of marriage guidance that both parties are equally to blame.
What does a good life consist of?
It's all good Spendi, otherwise we would be climbing big buildings and jumping off, do you simply get a kick out of moaning?
You were doing the moaning pal with that mush about somebody ruining their partner's life. I was doing the opposite.
Do you misunderstand things as a matter of course?
Don't get lippy **** for brains, your mother didn't hatch you for me to crucify you!
Have you always been a pompous oaf or is it something you developed within your considered safety of the threads on here?
Oh so he's just one to pass judgement regardless of who he is judging? I though I was the only one that had to bear the brunt of his stupidity. And he's a fine one for talking jumping in the middle of others conversations. Sorry if I interrupted your ranting Mathos. Forgive me?
I would forgive you anything Little Imp, but that lunatic is cruising for a bruising.
He deserves one doesn't he?
Quite true. I thought I was the only one who thought that...obviously he thinks highly of himself and likes to pass judgement down on people. That is not fair is it?
No it isn't, do you think it would be prudent of me to change the way he looks?
Of course. He deserves it does he not?
He deserves it with tinsel and flashing lights don't you think?
Yes even with fireworks if anyone can spare them. How is that?
That would look better, should we go so far as changing him into Guy Fawkes?
Why not? I would do his vile character some good would it not?