YEs it would make a better or even batter person out of him, would you tote him around on a trolly seeking donations for a good cause?
Of course. What other way of making him learn some good manners?
Shall we put him in stocks and allow the general public to pelt him with rotten fruit and bad smelly eggs?
Oh dear no wouldn't that be going a bit too far?
Not at all, he deserves everything he gets, don't you think we could put hm on a ducking stool and find out if he is a witch?
May be
What do you think you are -- study geek or babe?
Witch? I thought they all died out? ---Hah babe in the eyes of the world and study geek to my self. What about you?---
Well I'm just a bloke, it doesn't really matter, does it?
Because, I was extremely 'bull-headed in my younger days, no hesitation, nothing would stop me. I had to be first, is that strange to you?
Why would what be?
Why do you keep asking daft questions?
Why do you keep on interruping intelligent conversations?
Because we have been discussing an idiot.
Do you know who he is?
Of course I do I only hope he does. Which of course he does not because he is a blathering idiot. Is that not true?
Don't know
Why are you guys lashing out at Spendi?
How did you obviously know it was Spendi?
You know that "how".
What do you think is the primary cause of drug abuse among youngsters?
The illegality of them, would you concur?
Yes, but stupidity has to count for something does it not?
bsingh5 wrote:Yes, but stupidity has to count for something does it not?
Yes, stupidity.
Wouldn't you agree that date raping, drug abuse, school violence are just somehow interelated?