Oh- The usual. There's a song-I'll Have the Usual.
Have you heard it?
Racing about the county seeing people.
Where have you been lately?
No wonder I couldn't preview with jelly fingers messing up the thread.
Can't you get it right yet?
I like to complicate matters, don't you know that?
The thought hadn't entirely escaped my notice.
Is that official?
Yes, I can vouch for Mathos. He likes to complicate things.
Has anybody seen the Da Vinci Code and should I bother?
I certainly would not bother watching it.
Why do people get carried away with fictional books and movies?
All books and movies are not the same as some books and movies. I know they all look more or less the same on the library shelves but they assuredly are not all the same. Different people get carried away with different things and books in particular are by far the cheapest and easiest method of getting carried away. What some people do to get carried away beggars belief in terms of cost and sheer grinding physical and mental torture.
Shouldn't you be more concerned with such things rather than with methods of being carried away that are cheap and easy and harmless even to future generations?
There be ample time to read when you can't get out and about Spendi.
I thoroughly enjoy travel, would you like to join me on a trip down the Yangste in January?
You're having me on. Am I trading posts with somebody who gets carried away with trips down the Yangste.
Good grief!!
I think any sociologist could easily prove that taking trips down the Yangste consitutes abnormal behaviour. It's only a river isn't it?
You won't know that for sure, unless you come with me, will you?
I've seen loads of films about it. I've been taken up and down the Yangste lots of times. Conducted tours. Close ups . Rainy season, hot season, building a dam, flooding the settlements, fishing, in a canoe, in a steamboat- no sweat-no trouble-dead cheap, see more, and no need to get off the couch and pack a sodding suitcase. I'd have to buy a suitcase. That's right out pal. I'd feel less foolish buying a suspender belt than I would buying a suitcase. And I don't have to have my photograph taken.
Did you know that a photograph steals a little piece of your soul?
I thought only Muslims in out-of-the-way places thought that. Is that why you do not grace us with a picture of your smiling and tolerant mug?
Don't you get irritable when travelling is mentioned, and you must realise your talking somewhat 'imbecilic' with regard to the photograph stealing bits of you Spendius?
It's a very old belief, certainly concurrent [or so I've read] with the origins of photography.
Abit outdated now, and I love looking at photographs of how I looked in a more innocent age {god, the niavity of that face}, don't you?
I agree it is atavistic but I'm a bit of a sucker for folk wisdom. It sounded daft to me when I first heard of it but I thought about it a bit and realised that photographs may well steal something. So I avoid them.
What is the upside?
Must be a bind if your as ugly as Spendius must be, I rather think he has every reason under the sun running around in his under-developed cranium, no travel, no photographs, so help me god.
Holy Mother of Mary.
How many times do you need telling Mathos that this is the Questions Game and you are supposed to ask a bloody question.
If you can't navigate a daft Questions Game thread do you seriously expect me to go down the Yangste with you.
Have you got a Lifesaver's Badge?
I had one at school. Probably out of date now though like my scuba diving certificate.
Have you met anyone famous?
I avoid famous people like the plague because the ones I met seem to want me to admire them just because they are famous.
Fame is like an addictive drug, isn't it?