Not only is your beauty unequalled, your considerations are beyond kindness, have you always been this way?
Some say I have dual personalities...would you believe it?
That could prove exciting, would you want me to believe it?
Only if you truly want to....It takes trust to start a friendship my best friend told me and so I trust you to make your own choice...would you not agree?
There is no greater gift than friendship, would you not agree?
Too true my friend too true
Your a lttle gem
Turning in soon so goodnight little imp and Dutchy..
Good night dear Sir...Good night

Have I been knighted...Arise 'Sir Mathos'
I hope nobody grasses you two up to Clary.
You haven't asked a question in five posts.
That must be a caning offence surely?
Who could think of anything better?
Spendius obviously. Or am I wrong?
Oh yes. I was simply trying to protect you innocents.
I know how easily one can become frustrating to a lady's temper if one doesn't adhere to the strict letter of the rules.
And She has been showing such impatience on another thread about an "I" following an "H" in the alphabet game, as is obviously understandable, that I'm concerned about her reaction to five posts on the Questions Game without a question being asked.
Do you not understand ladies or what?
I am a lady is their anything that I would not know? Or is my "tender age" at fault again?
Oh no. Your age has nothing to do with it.
Why would you think that?
Well you were spouting gibberish before so I thought you would spout again. Or is it me now spouting?
Yes. This is spouter country.
Had you not realised that?
Well I thought of it once or twice but then again one should always allow room for change right?
It depends on the circumstances.
Doesn't it?