While admitting that animals are better than people I still find them to be uncomfortable to be too familiar with. One can end up squirming with embarrassment reading an expert psychologist when he has ventured into print on the matter. Which isn't that big a deal not like it is with people at close quarters for extensive and uninterrupted periods of time.
But I have a tom cat at work who's name I cannot divulge because I used it for my password. He purrs like a large whoopee cushion when he sees me arrive. I like tom cats.
Do you?
I cannot stand cats or dogs or anything with fur only because of my genetic makeup...so therefore I have none but I do love them
do you have any other pets?
I'm between spiders at the moment. The last blew for some reason. Perhaps he had caught all the flies. He had big long furry legs. And the next one hasn't showed himself yet. I'm assuming they're male from all the work they do.
Are you going to the pub tonight?
I am not an underaged drinker as you know good and well will you be going?
I'm hardly going to organise a party of this nature, at my private cave and not turn up, am I?
AAAHHHH!!!!! When did you turn up?
Hello little imp, it's nice to see you, are you enjoying your natter with Spendi, he seems ever such a nice chappie, doesn't he?
Is that supposed to be sarcastic?
Why would it possibly be sarcastic?
Well it depends on the person does it not?
Does that mean you think I would be sarcastic?

Oh dear no I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings. But you are only human so you should be once in a while should you not?
You don't have to be sorry Little imp. you could say, good, I enjoyed that, would it make you feel better if you did?
Yes it would....... good I enjoyed that!
Did it make you feel excited, saying that?
No I make exclamations not meer statments. That is not normal is it?
Do you know what normal is?
According to Ralph, my best mate, I do, but he is in trouble again, so I cannot get the information required, can you wait for the answer?
As long as it takes for you to get the answer....