Your obviously running loose and mouthing off again Spendi, watch it mate, or I'll change the way you look.
I prefer 36 22 36
No I have not met the Queen, I met HRH Prince Charles once and the Duke of Kent. What about you Spendi, anyone like that ever run you over?
Hi Little imp.. You ok?
Yes a bit busy as it is though and how are you?
36 22 36 well I havent got a figure as good as that as yet...getting their though you don't mind do you?
No I don't mind at all, I haven't offended you in any way I hope, I get a little carried away when I talk to that imbicile Spendius, he's quite mad you know? :wink:
No I do not mind how is he "mad"?
His mother dropped him when he was a baby, right on his head, and he is totally out of it, didn't you know?
Oh no is that what happened then I must be mad as well you think so?
Did your mother drop you off The Empire State building too?

No just off the Taj Mahal
Well you can't be as mad as Spendi, she tied a weight to him as well, to stop him from floating, wasn't she considerate?
Oh what a horrible thing to do don't you think?
Don't you think any normal mother would have felt it a duty to the planet and it's inhabitants, to drop him off the Empire State building?
We've had that before Mathos.
Didn't your Mamma tell you that it is bad manners to repeat yourself?
Read the script you drunken clock-sucker. I was replying to the previous question with a question, I like an all round view on these things, don't you?
Couldn't you tell that I must have thought I was on another thread and made due allowance.?
What you thought and what you ought are two entirely different things Spendius, is your name to be written in the stars I wonder?
I doubt it if his mother had dropped him off of the Empire State building wouldn't you think?
Are we talking of Spendius here? No, I would guarantee that he has not been dropped off buildings.
Can you name the neighbours on both sides of you?
No, but don't you think we ought to be able to?
That would be a good idea would it not?