It would be neighbourly.
Do you live in a city?
Regretfully yes I take it you do not?
Had it twice this week.
You are a teenager?
Yes, 18 you are in your mid 20's?
You are supposed to supply a question Clary in order that the next person has something to chew upon.
Did you not know that?
I thought she was simply vaunting to all that she could write down words in a foreign language, I could do that, but is it a requirement?
Sorry people, I was expecting Spidergal and BS to be having a conv of intimacy and only wanted to interject to show off how I can speak little bits of foreign languages
How are you all tonight?
I'm fine, thank you Clary, we don't have to put up with the threads being clogged up with words and phrases only a few can understand do we?
Are you ready for the Olympics?
Sheesh! Talk about thick.
Mathos old chap-you have asked two questions and you are only supposed to ask one.
Clary is very strict about such things.
Which one should we answer although the second one is rather silly?
Well you have missed the spot allocated Spendi.
Clary and LinkAt appear to have hit the bottle, again, your not with them are you?
No I haven't, I was checking out boat trips to Dartmouth, not a bottle in sight.
Are you still on speaking terms with spen?
Yes, going to give it a go, because he wants to come to my party, would you like to come Clary, you are welcome?
Yes, we would really like you to come along, Spendi is coming as well, and Try & Dutchy are aping the 'Chippendales' would you believe?
I would. I'd believe anything of the people you get on these threads.
Are we celebrating something really important?
No, just a nice friendly gathering, it's fancy dress to start with, and somebody suggested a naturist hour when things got going, sounds good doesn't it?