Indian cooking is my specialty. What about you?
Well I just eat, I only cook on Christmas Day or a barbi...
Anyhow, if your my mate, you have to cook for me. Your a girl, it's your job, not mine.
A bit chauvinistic is it not? So pray do tell what do you do?
Can you be more specific, in reality or on here for instance?
In reality I am a Priest.
(Hence I am ruled out of the marriage stakes)
On here, I am a seducer, rogue, flatterer and sinner.,
What ever made you go into that profession? I would have thought you ...oh nvmd Clary did are you repressing your true self? Or just love having fun?
I'm spreading the word in a manner of speaking, right now, I feel obliged if you would like to confess all to me?
I am Hindu therefore do not believe in confessions because God knows everything
We should discuss the subjects, what is the name of the Hindu God?
Ah now see we have several names because we belive He has taken many forms but He is still One and you may call Him what ever name pleases you but normally it is Bhagvan
I respect all religions, I have an acute interest in Budhism.
On the temples in India especially the drawings/carvings and statues appear to denote sexual relationships, what part does this play in your religion?
Oh very well it is almost the same sect as Hinduism what else do you have interests in?
Mainly the female sex and additional female sex, is that normal?
Well I'm pretty well convinced it's natural, it should be compulsory don't you think?
Not at all what ever for?
Wouldn't it lead to a reduction in crime?
There are statistics on this somewhere, aren't there?
We only need a place to lie down, what do stats have to do with it.
Try a 28-36-52 and you'll find out.
Have you ever met The Queen?