Thanks for that Mame, but then again your a 'cracker of a lass' yourself.
Do you flirt as much in the other world?
Oh I reckon you would enjoy a little flirtation on the quiet, its good for the mind and body isn't it?
Are you saying it makes the heart sing?
Wouldn't it be more appropriate going through life with a singing heart?
Wouldn't it be great if that could be?
Don't you think though, if there was no rain, we wouldn't enjoy the sunshine?
Of course, because we'd all be dead on a dry planet. Duh!
Are you all enjoying the Cup?
We always enjoy our soccer TPI, what we don't like right now is a team of the best and highest paid players in the world, demonstrating teamwork that is akin to a gelded dog in a screwing contest.
I take it you are not familiar with our 'game?'
Familiar as a beetle with a ball of dung.
Why has this thread gone to sleep?
It was taking a siesta, didn't you realise that?
What is the holdup, siesta is over?
yes it is
why are you so impatient?
I am never impatient, I simply like to get the show on the road, still waters run deep, don't they?
Well they do if you let them. You consider yourself deep do you not?
No, I hope I don't come across as being deep, I'm rather open don't you think?
Hmm a little...are you taken?
I am in a manner of speaking, it's probably because I am so ruggedly handsome, muscular, sun-tanned and humble.
I like being your friend though, will that do?

I am in enough relationship problems as it is so a friend would be fine thank you!
Are you a good cook, mate?