It is rather Mame, leek sausage = normal banger with leek added to mix, gives it a bit of a tang!
I only eat meat and eggs once a week (firm believer that the brain needs it) and as I have been hard at it from 6.30 am until 9.30 pm I asked my wife to make me a good un!!
Do you eat much meat?
No, not really. My husband and I share an 8 oz steak or a half a chicken breast, but we will eat that 4 times a week... something like that.... more often, but smaller amounts.
Have you read anything by Jan van der Wettering? or Peter Hoeg?
Can't say I have Mame.
Do they elaborate on artery blockages?
Padded cell decor is more likely.
Have you heard about the pregnant 62 year old?
Yes I have, I found it quite amusing, in many ways!
Are you the father?
Mathos dear boy-
I have tried before explaining to you the simple rules of the Questions Game.
You are supposed to ask a question which everybody can answer.
Now most people know,including the majority of five year olds,that the lovely ladies who graciously grant us their company on this thread are hardly in a position to answer your question and,as a consequence are ruled out of the game which is not exactly my cup of tea as it leaves me with only you to play with. Whether that is your intention or not I cannot say. You might simply be as thick as two short planks.
You should ask questions everyone can answer such as-
Do you like wearing frilly underwear,high heel shoes and sheer silk stockings with seams up the back?
I have previously mentioned to you Spendius, rules are for schoolboys!
The schoolboys who succeed in life, always break the rules.
Consequently, this great nation of ours affords the continuity of a certain calibre of chap who will always succeed.
Alas, there are those within the confines of our shores, who not only bark when instructed, pee when instructed, and we don't need to mention their Friday night leg-over, which they relish with gusto for all thirty five seconds of the sheer attempt of bliss they will never know. They even go for a regular pint, because that doesn't break the rules either! Its rather like viewing the dead in a large funeral home or undertakers parlour.
Personally, I hate rules, regulations and enforcers, who remind me of authoritarian headmasters, or the sun. The enacting or implementing rules, (by the mummy's boys) is simply a reflection of them wishing to feel secure, not wanting their front teeth wacked out in the scrum for instance, instead of saying, if my teeth come out, your ear gets eaten.
Obeying and or attempting to enforce rules Spendius, leads to psychodynamics which in turn has a one way pass to paranoia, chronic delusions and severe psychosis of unwarranted fear and distrust of others, especially. It makes normality for men like myself and abnormal situation for you, simply because the ball is not running along your intended path. A malefactor being a common example of this syndrome to the forces of law and order.
Why, we would have totally redundant police forces if we all behaved like Spendius.
The esoteric values of the privileged few are of course chuckling at your diversities. I note this from aidan on the original writing thread, to name but one of several who see through your guise.
By the way, are you attempting to impress the lady?
There be Spendius thinking of himself having the literary and philosophical talents of an emeritus of some standing, when in reality he be a proletariat with ladders, a bucket and chamois.
The funambulist you could never be, your demise will be for ever amongst the the sawdust of the big top along with all the other clowns.
Rules! Indeed, a decent seraglio could only function with eunuchs, can you imagine the fun the ladies had amusing themselves around those dangling excuses for man-hood. Recalcitrants of my calibre live. We, are not here to exist like ants in a garden rockery. Subordinates are always the type of person only a mother could love, most of them no longer have one either.
I rather think Jack Palance, Donald Pleasance, Humphrey Bogart, Nick Nolte and Charles Bronson would have been on my side of the fence, whilst you would have shared the coffee room with Hugh Grant, Cary Grant, Jerry Lewis, Tom Cruise, George Formby and Norman Wisdom, to name but a few.
Did you go to Sunday school as well Spendius? I never went, it was much more fun swimming in the Manchester ship canal by Barton Bridge waiting for the big ship to sail through the alley alley O.
What about confession, I bet that was a monthly jaunt for you, telling the priest you had an erection and him asking if you ejaculated, two poor souls in a wooden box. I never confessed to anything!
Do you get thrills wearing your frilly underwear, high heel shoes and sheer silk stockings with seams up the back?
I don't know.
I have never tried it. Too expensive really.
But you do seem to have put a lot of effort into avoiding answering the last question.
Are you in denial?
I would never deny anything I did Spendius, denial is a cheapskate manner akin to hiding behind mummy's apron!
Time was when men had to be men, the hunter/provider protector, and women knew their rightful place. They obeyed!
Actually, its clowns like yourself with your fancy piffling rules who have put women were they are now. When you stopped keeping them sexually aroused and consequently satisfied with life, they bore children, cooked grub and cleaned up. Know ye this Spendius, you are a traitor to the whole of mankind with a capital M for what good that is right now. Every time I think of the worldwide damage your likes have inflicted on mankind, I wonder were it all went wrong? Your sort I am referring to, instead of living like proper men your dilly-dallying, shilly-shallying, and dithering like semi-conscious 99 year old geriatrics, has placed us on the edge of extinction.
You should be ashamed of yourself. A bucketful of knicker jokes keeps you amused like some pecker tugging fourteen year old school boy at his first mixed skinny dip. I wouldn't be surprised if you read Tatler and Womans Own once a month just to enable you to converse within the female pages of these threads. I'm scouring the bloody things to see if there's a secret centrefold page of all the little darlings! They just don't realise I am onto them yet.
Instead of doing what is natural, I have heard you ranting on here now about the benefits of your celibacy. You take every sixpence line and turn it into three two pence pieces in a feeble attempt to expectorate more twaddle, which is as effective to life as a chocolate fireguard.
Do you really want to talk to me about frilly knickers mate, you'd better get behind the real ladies?
Been there,done it,have a video.
I only watched it once and that was enough for me.
Are you a David Attenborough fan?
As a matter of fact matey, I admire David Attenboroughs work very much.
But there is a classy bird on the scene of late, who visits the Ugandan Apes, I'd much sooner watch her, especially when she's sweating. I'll find her name out for you in due course.
Have you ever been in the real jungle, it does a man a lot of good?
Back to Attenborough, did you know it was his birthday to-day, Eighty years of age, he does pretty good.
The flash lady I was talking about her name is;
Charlotte Uhlenbroek
Well worth watching mate if you like Gorilla studies.
By the way, your mate Maid Marion is rubbing me up the wrong way, don't let him get me annoyed too much Spendius, he wont like me if I get annoyed.
OMT know your place too boy, you were getting over lippy on the Original Writing thread.
Are you as old as Attenborough?
No, nowhere near 80, M...
Is the sun shining where you are?
Sunshine, cloud, wind and rain to-day Mame, what we refer to as normal.
Which coast are you on ?
I'm on the West Coast, part of the Pacific Rim... we are enjoying another lovely, sunny this temperate climate.
Which type of weather do you like the least?
At one time weather conditions never bothered me at all, I would simply ensure I dressed accordingly. However, having spent some 20 years or so taking winter holidays in the far east, the climate being beautiful, I see no point in putting up with cold weather, thick clothing, additional clothing, two pairs of socks and big heavy boots.... Hence I have to say, cold, wet and windy seem pointless in accepting. I would never leave the UK permanently though. From May to Christmas, I really adore Britain.
BTW I simply adore sleeping by the ocean, I envy your spot, my windows/doors would be open all night.
How bad, or not so bad are your winters on the Pacific Rim?
Well, we rarely get snow, but we do get it, and sometimes we get quite a bit... 2 ft, for example, at a time... and then it gets icy. Normal winters are dark, rainy and cold (not bitter, just rain-cold)... say -5 deg C, on average. We almost always have too much rain. Lots of people suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and have to get drugs or a UV lamp... it IS depressive, for sure, so everyone should schedule a holiday out of here during November - April. We also have lots of wind and thunderstorms - lots of gales, which I adore.
What do you like best about your partner?
In a nutshell 'everything'
She is rather special to put it mildly.
What do you like best about your partner?

You're such a sweetie for saying that about her
I like his diversity in reading material; that he tries to keep uptodate with music

; that he wants to repair/renovate our house; that he is an avid gardener (even though he doesn't know what he's doing lol); that he does the two-step really well; that he's a really interesting character. He's also one of the most civilized and rational people I've ever met. I'm really glad I met him, let's put it that way.
Now, onto something completely different:
How long is your hair?
I have no idea.They vary quite a bit.I would guess,if pushed into a corner,that they go from about 1/4 inch,having just clipped my beard so I can eat custad pie decorously, up to about a foot or so but some of them are curly and I only ever tried pullin them straight in circumstances when I didn't have a ruler to hand.
Do you tan easily?