Quite possibly, but not being male and never having played ruggers, I couldn't say for sure.
Are women the 'gentler sex', as Victorian-era men would insist?
Oh yes.
That's definitely true.
Except of course when they are beating your head in with a rolling pin or nagging your ears numb.
Do you think lace-up corsets and whalebone stays are sexy?
no, but I do think they caused respiratory ailments and contributed to back trouble...I wouldn't have worn one.
Did you know men wore wigs, high heels, and ruffles in those days? heh heh
Yes-I did know that. They did it in the main to tone down their masculinity for social occasions when ladies were present.
Wasn't that just good manners?
You would obviously be at home in that period of time Spendius. A celibate clown in a wig! Ha ha ha...
Do you think a Victorian Ball would be enlightening to our modern age?
Yes, I do think it would be enlightening.
Do you think the loss/reduction of tradition/custom/manners/gentility is a good or bad thing?
Personally Mame, I think it is a good thing. I spent most of my business life, and even going to the pub life, wearing fancy suits! Awful things. Now I feel extremely content in a pair of jeans and a flash T shirt with cheeky writing on the front. The trainers are much better than the fancy brogues which had annoying habits of shoe laces coming unfastened. I rather think it was a government ploy at giving us exercise, bending down ten times a day to re-fasten the same.
If one lived in Yorkshire though, that problem was never encountered. They all simply wear wellingtons. Going to the pub, the policemans ball, the local by elections, wellington boots forever. Spendius no doubt still wears them. Also the breed of mis-fits wear those atrocious long johns, which must be itchy, crude and unbearable to think of let alone wear.
Have you ever been to bed with a man who wore long johns and wellies?
No, but you sound like the voice of experience, so I'll take your word for it.
Was it a memorable occasion?
Was what a memorable experience?
Isn't every experience memorable?
I can't imagine going to bed with a man who wears long johns and wellies being a memorable experience.
Is it considered to be fetish-wear in that milieux?
I can't envisage 'ever' going to bed with a man!
Why did you think of going to bed with a man?
Well, I'd rather not go to bed with a woman, myself... although maybe he wasn't wearing longjohns and wellies at bedtime, just one of his habits, otherwise....
What's for dinner?
Depends what your looking for Mame, I could make sure you were very satisfied though.
Do you like fish?
Battered cod or haddock is okay but sharks biting your bum I'm not too sure about.
Is English your first language?
Why, yes it is, how did you know?
What do YOU want for dinner?
I'd settle for a roll in bed with honey.
Do you enjoy eating in bed?
lol - clever answer...
No, I don't enjoy eating in bed, dear...
It feels like Spring here, finally... what about your neck of the woods?
Hi Mame, you ok?
The last week has been quite beautiful, rain yesterday, rain and cold wind most of today, nice blue skies now, sunny but not very warm, I would say about 50%F.
Did you receive my latest e-mails?
Not going to have much fun without a big toast butty in bed, all those crumbs getting into places they shouldn't, would you prefer fresh bread with irish butter?
Yes, enjoyable reading, Mathos... thanks for them. I am okay. Having bad moments but okay, generally. You can imagine, I think.
Are you a gardener?