I don't know.I've never had the travelling bug.
Is it any good for a bug?Does it bug you?
Yes, it does bug me! I wish I could travel more. We should switch somehow, Spendi-. I've bet you've got the means to travel ...
What would you say is the most important lesson you've learned in your life?
Brilliant bug Spendius. It enhances your outlook on life, stops you dwelling on thoughts of a cold winter and frosty nights. Knowing you can be enjoying temperatures of 90%F plus after a 12 hour flight. The variation in living, accommodation, people, relaxing on a sun drenched tropical island. Trekking in a humid jungle, seeing wild life of wonderful proportions, your sleeping bag on an insect infested floor, the possibility of snakes and lizards paying you a visit during the night. Rafting down a jungle river, eating food of origins you do not wish to be advised of.
Would you like to try it?
The most important lesson in life?
Don't listen to others, do as you feel is right for you.
No Mathos, I wouldn't like to try! I like to travel but not like that Mathos. Give me comfort and a bed.
Still on Easter holidays?
I wish! No, back to the daily grind, but enjoying the Easter candy!
What do you most like to do in your spare time?
In case Americans don't know that word it means laze about,don't move unless you have to,snooze.If you feel the need for amusement take the easiest route like watching telly or reading a book or,if you can do it,just stare into space blankly with glazed eyes.And work to increase your spare time.
Sloths do it don't they?
They sure do. Moss actually grows on them! I admire your ability to laze about, Spendi-. Just how long at a stretch can you do it? I feel guilty or I just have too much to do, places to go, people to see, etc. I only get to sit when I'm on the computer (usually working at the same time!)
Are you independently wealthy that you can afford to imitate a slug?!
No.Not slugs.Sloths.
Slugs leave a nasty trail behind them like vapour trails in the sky and strange chemicals wafted over people's gardens.
Have you ever used slug pellets?
Can't say that I have, and I was using slug and sloth interchangeably. Pardon moi. What does one do with slug pellets? Shoot them or is there another use?
Thanks, dev, you've just brightened my day. Mental picture of dev, guns blazing, blasting slugs left, right and centre! All these squishy bits flying in all directions!
How do they dig a slug out of a slug?
I don't know, but my garden would be a wasteland if I didn't put slug pellets out.... they are voracious!
Are anybody else's tulips out?
Hints of colour just showing through, everything is late this year. It's almost like a retarded state of vegetation, (reminds me of the old clown Spendius) a few warm days will give everything a kick start.
I planted four weeping laburnum over the weekend. Do you enjoy gardening?
I certainly do enjoy gardening.... and those are beautiful trees.
Do you enjoy cooking?
I don't know. I've never tried it except once with some moonshine but it made me go all "oceanic" so I gave it up.
What matters is are you good at it?
Is that what you think matters? I think it's more important if you're happy at it....
What are you good at (outside of the predictable 'sex' answers)?
Most things that make for a happy existence.
I am an excellent cook, my 'steak diane' is a household name in this part of the planet.
Would you like me to cook for you?
No thanks. My present arrangements are more than satisfactory. Any old plonker can do "steak diane". It's a piece of piss. It's just a way of charging more for bits of dead animals.
Did you not know that?
No, I certainly didn't, and I would love for someone to make me a steak diane, actually.
Do you like dark beers?
Not particularly but I wouldn't turn them down if there was nothing else on offer.
Do you like leeks?
Only the Welsh and they are seldom seen, ever eat leeks.
Would you like me to cook you a steak diane?