No.It is one of those aspects of life which I have so far managed to evade along with a few million others.
Do you never feel that evasion might be preferable to seeking?
definately. I tend to do that more than I care to admit.
Would you consider yourself confrontational?
most definitely - you want to come outside and say that?
Do you believe in love?
Not in any sense the way media presents it.The Ancients considered it a madness.
But what did they know eh?
No more than us, I'm sure. But they knew it more deeply.
Is it true you are a drunkard?
Not by moi shtandarsh old chappio.I shimpley aloowshesh mishelf to shlosh darn a phew pointsh hevery hevening.One shimpely cannot afford to let the alcohol level in onesh bloodshteam to shink belows a shertain minimum conshentation wivoart rishkin' feelink fedsh-up.
Do I need correctional treatment?
Anyone who spells drunkenly so well is already corrected; no typos there.
Did you watch Burton last night?
If you mean the game last night yes I did.I had a wager on that United would win by more than 3.6 goals and thus won 1.4 goals and 1.4 times my stake.I was extremely brassed off.It should have been at least ten which would have increased my stake 6.4 times.I was disgusted.
Are you a Burton fan?(If so you have my deepest sympathy.)
Well, no, but one does like to support the underdog. I made a cool £45 betting against them.
So you gamble as well as drink?
Interesting name Pen is
Are you talking to yourself again spendius?
Ah, so you can talk about me but not to me! Shame, Jane!
Are you as calamitous as the photo suggests?
I thought I addressed you directly, Pen is, hmm...
Yes, of course, calamitous is my middle name.
How did you find a2k?
Googled, turned left, and carried on until morning ... and I find it delightful. Do you think that I am Spendius? I would never spell myself with a lowercase letter. I have much too much sense of my own importance.
How do you find A2K?
It fascinates me.It's just like the pub except you have a maid bring the beer in instead of barmaids passing it over the Chancellor of the Exchequer's interface.
One meets people.One has one's up and downs,as I have done,and one settles into a cosy corner at some point with one's best mates.Trivia corner is the end of this bar that I stand at mostly but I sometimes take on the smarty-pants at the "intellectual" end for relaxation.
I spell my name with a lower case because I didn't want anybody to think I'm as good as Spendius himself.
Have you heard of him?
Since spendius chose the name of a fictitional character he
admires, he used lower caps to show his submission towards
the character. My analysis anyway.
A2k is one of the few boards that are indeed delightful with
interesting people to interact with.
You're into redwine?
Yes, red wine is one of my favo(u)rite drinks. Brandy is another.
May I pour you a glass of Montrachet?
No thank you! It is still lunch time here - too early for redwine.
Brandy instead of Scotch? Aren't you a Brit?
On Jupiter we prefer to stick with the grape, eschewing the grain. But if you're offering, I am not proud.
Are you a Brit?
No, I am not.
Why Jupiter?
Not normally.I ran some scientific experiments some years ago to determine the most beneficial level of alcohol in my bloodstream.Adding red-wine (12%) into my daily intake would make it necessary to reduce my beer (4%) ration to avoid going into the upper red zone and that really would not do at all.
But a bottle or two(14%) in a sultry,heavily curtained chamber shared with a friend is very nice I will admit but those sort of temptations are the very ones the priests warned us about at my school.
Do you not like beer?