(it's a song about life before war - Yugo45 /car/ is metaphore of Yugoslavia - it's more story then classic kind of pop/rock song - singer "talks" about day when he was still kid and his father bought Yugo45 and about friendship between his father /Muslim/, and his two neighbours, Franjo /Croat/ and Momo /Serb/, and about life back then - small fragments and pictures of everyday life in peace, from selling apples on open-air markets and shopping in Trieste, to vacations on seaside, picnics on meadows around Sarajevo and open doors during summer /custom in Bosnia, like, "everyone is welcomed", and they always made cup of coffee more in all houses "if someone drops by"...and then, later, war starts, they are suddenly refugees, and after few years, they live much better, have much more money, somewhere in West...but every night he dreams about "old house, little garden, Yugo45, and three friends" - I don't know how much someone that is not from Balkans can feel it or understand it, but it's extremely nostalgic and sad because you cannot think anything else except about how good people we were once upon a time)
Oh, I wouldn't change my mother language, it's the most beautiful language in the world

But, let's say Portuguese.
Have you (or would you in any scenario) made any medically unnecessary surgeries on yourself?