I really don't give a damn about celebrities, and feel that actors' lives, etc, shouldn't be so intruded into. However, if I had to choose someone, I would choose Beck; he is not celebrity-like at all and hugely talented.
Have you any phobias?
<striving to think of a favorite celebrity>
ok, Eva Marie Saint. I have actually run into her, as it were, a few times in real life and she is a neat lady.
I don't really have any phobia per se...
Same question: Any phobias?
I don't like to be near edges of cliffs - driving or walking - without a handrail, yikes.
Is the sun shining where you are today?
It is boiling here; it must be at least thirty degrees, so I am rather sun-stricken.
Do you like your dentist?
I liked my dentist in Los Angeles and have kept her as a friend as we both enjoy talking about travelling; I like my dentist here in northern California as well - he is a fairly quiet, shy, person who is quite competent.
How long is your hair?
My hair is quite long, and it reaches to about half-way between my shoulder and my elbow.
What do you think is the weirdest present that anyone has given to you?
My ex mother in law gave me a rather large plastic version of a bunch of strawberries. I was, for once, stymied for what to say as I opened the gift.
Does Paris cool down on summer evenings?
It doesn't seem like it's cooled down at all... it feels as if we're in the middle of a heatwave.
(Heavens! Who would make that, never mind give it as a present?)
Who do you feel has influenced you the most in life?
A fellow I met in college influenced me a great deal by simply putting forth questions about assumptions I had, or others had, and giving thoughtul comments. It opened up a way of thinking for me, not that I never questioned assumptions on my own before that, but that his everyday thinking behavior became sort of a model for me.
Who has been a big influence on your thinking?
I realize you are probably asking drom-, osso, but I'd like to answer and then ask it of her, if she's around. My biggest influence was my youth group/Campus Life leader, Pattie. She knew of my abuse situation at home and at twenty-something and a college student, 'took me under her wing' so-to-speak. She practically parented me and we became great friends. I am much better for her influence in my life than I would have been without it. I think I am more like her than I am like my own mother (thank God!)
Same question to drom-, if you're out there.
Or else: What is your favorite character from any form of literature: book, play, poem, musical....?
Ah, I am so childish sometimes...but I have to be honest and say: Holden Caulfield
What's the best (most interesting) and worst sport in your personal opinion?
My present opinion puts soccer first and luge last.
What is your answer to that question?
Mooun! Welcome to this part of the place again!
It's a hard question to answer, Dev, as most of the people who influenced my way of thinking are people whom I never did meet. However, if I were to choose one person, it would be my great-grand-father, whom I am meant to be like in many ways. I only knew him for a very short period of his life, as he died before I got to the age of four or five, but I had already learnt by life's most important lessons by then.
He was called 'Daddy Frank' by everyone in the village in Ireland, Borris, in which he lived... all these people unrelated to him called that to him, and would come to his house to ask for help about things. He was a real humanitarian, and-- although he was fairly poor-- he spent his time helping others. It was from him that two of my biggest doctrines came; that a little bit of knowledge goes a long way, and that kindness to others is the best gift that one can give to oneself.
It's weird; I thought of Luge being last too.. but curling has to go as the least interesting above it.
As for the most interesting; I love to fence, but I like to watch tennis, so it's a draw between those.
Hmmm. I would have to say: best: Soccer definitely and ice skating (believe it or not) and worst: curling - ugh!
Of any famous person who would you say you identify with or are most like and why?
(Good to see you MOUN!)
O, and a question: do you have many nicknames?
How funny! We both answered curling!
Of nicknames I have several: Jay, Mama, Mommy,
J.D., "Jayde"(like Jade), J. Renee', 'nee (Mom's favorite,... and you?
Also my Q from above: Of any famous person who would you say you identify with or are most like and why?