The diamond I lost last week from my wedding ring and a new ring to go with it!
What about you?
I think I want a Nikon CoolPix but I haven't investigated all of the options yet.
Whats your favorite salad dressing?
If money was no object to the giver, what gift would you ask for?
Two months in Bora Bora. By myself.
Whats your favorite board game?
Trivial Pursuit, or Monopoly... or just plain Chess

What, in your opinion, is the worst film ever?
Oh what's it called.....
That total mess with Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Loathsome.
Whats your favorite filmed musical?
I don't like many musicals at all. If pushed, I'd choose Grease. Though I feel sorry for Sandy.
Would you rather be treated indifferently by everyone, or hated by most?
Wow. Gun to my head I would have to say the former. I'm not good at being hated. Although, you said "hated by most", if I could be loved by few and hated by most, I'd choose that. I'm not particularly fond of being hated, but I would definitely prefer it IF I were loved/known by few than treated indifferently by all.
If you had to change your name, what would you call yourself?
p.s. Must put 5-yr-old & self to bed! He's falling asleep on me right now!
How unusual! Iwould expect nothing less from you, drom-.
I forgot to ask why. So, why?
I'm really going now! Have you gotten any sleep, you night owl, you?
I went to sleep right after you did. The last few nights, I have tried to sleep, (having no Internet,) and now I can't sleep because of the heat. Oh well; it means that I can be here with all of you.
And-- because I think that it's a nice name... I took Viola from 'Twelfth Night,' (I liked her character but found that her beau, the Duke, was arrogant and undeserving of her...) and Xaln I made up...
O, I should add a question:
Are there any movies that you think are better than the books that they came from?
Yes, the movie Cutter and Bone, or Cutter's Way (I think it had two titles for some reason) from the book by the same name.
Do you have a movie you thought was better than the book?
I think that 'Election,' the film version of Perrotta's brilliant satire, is better than the book. The book version has an anticlimactic and out-of-character end; the film changes this completely, to great effect.
Did you think JFK was one of the greatest presidents?
Before my time... but I'll answer.
He was a great influence on the American public in many ways, but lacked some quality skills. His womanising let him down in my opinion. Not one of the greatest Presidents. I feel he is only remembered because he was so young, and he was assassinated. If it wasn't for this, he would be unknown, as Millard Fillmore is! A great President is Washington or Lincoln, not Kennedy.
Have you ever broken the law?
Apart from using KaZaa and things like that, no.
Do you bet on the lottery?
No, actually, I don't. I've thought about it, but never have. Maybe because the odds of winning are so astronomically against you, and why waste a dollar or two, but then again...Sometimes it's very tempting!
What are your favorite boy and girl names and why? (You could be naming children or anything. It doesn't matter.)
Boy - Craig
Girl - Lynn
What was your favourite school subject?
italian. I took it as a senior in high school in some sort of early advanced placement routine... and since the other person dropped out, it was me and an italian nun, every monday afternoon. Actually I learned a lot, but, of couse, not how to speak.
I took it again, thirty years later, with probable equivalent results re my speaking, but I was much better in the later courses in making complex compositions in many tenses which would also interest the teacher re content.
Do you like peanut butter?
I hate it!
Who is your favourite celebrity and why?