I haven't got a most prized possession. My house IS my savings - that's a tough one! I guess it would come down to keeping the money - you can live anywhere (even Armenia)
Which is your favourite country for a holiday?
Israel - lovely country. Close 2nd is Hong Kong. Fab food!
What was the last thing you put in your mouth (food)?
The last thing that I put into my mouth was some pain rustique with unusual jam on it.
If you were offered £500,000 to somewhere far away from your family and friends forever, would you take the money or stay where you are?
difficult this, because my friends are scattered far and wide, and so will my family be soon! I think on balance yes, because I'd be quite happy to leave Totnes if the inducement were great enough - but it would depend where the prizegivers wanted me to go!
How many capital cities have you visited?
I think that I have visited eighteen or nineteen capitals, most of which were in Europe.
And you?
I think it's in excess of 35. I've lost count!
If you had the choice between a place of your own somewhere nice, or a free month's travel every year for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
That's very difficult. I think that I would go for the nice place of my own. I would choose somewhere really great, in a really exclusive part of London-- then sell it, and use the proceeds to travel forever!
Someone wants to make you president of Iceland. You would be a puppet president, but paid millions every year just to travel. Do you accept?
No way. I have no wish for political recognition, even as a puppet, and have a horror of the media. Iceland? I can't imagine wishing to live there forever either (apologies to any icelandics, but it is rather far from the rest of the world)
Do you prefer trousers or skirts in cold weather?
I prefer skirts, actually, long ones. I have to wear pants (trousers) in Tall sizes which can be hard to find and fit, but I do wear those as well.
What is your favorite wine or alcoholic beverage, and whether you drink or no what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
I like a good Rosé every now and then, but I hardly ever drink. As for my favourite non-alcoholic drink, it has to be fresh pineapple juice. Nothing compares to it, for me.
What was the first record that you can remember buying for yourself?
I fell in love with the song "Love Is the Answer" by England Dan and John Ford Coley. I just had to have it, so I bought the 45 when I was a kid.
How would you describe yourself? And just because I'm curious, the same question about the record.
As in personality or physical?
Physical - Average height, brown hair, brown eyes, good looking.
Personality - Friendly, charming, kind, appreciative, ready to try anything.
What unusual sports do you like?
Ah, good answer. Most people usually answer just one or the other.
Unusual sports, hmmm. Sounds like a question I should ask you! I like archery which is a bit unusual for an American. I like to watch some extreme sports competitions like snowboarding & free-style ski jumping or skate-boarding. And I've always wanted to ski dive!
Same question to you.
I learnt to scuba dive when I was 48 and really liked it. Not incredibly unusual but I hate most sport, no eye for a ball at all. I like walking round beautiful golf courses in sunny weather with some nice men
What is the best thing about you?
Hmmm. My compassion, I think. I just love people. What else can I say?
What would your ideal mate be like?
I like your answer, drom-. It's pretty much what most of us want!
But you didn't leave a question! Oh, well. I have plenty!
What a2k'er(s) would you most like to meet and why?
Oh, good one... I would love to meet nearly everyone; particularly you, Clary, Mac, everyone around here, Gus, Bi-Polar Bear, Nimh, Jespah, Cav, Letty... for too many reasons to list...
If you had to add a Commandment to the Ten Commandments, what would it be?
That's a good one too! ... I would have to say something like the 'golden rule': Do to others as you would have done to you or Love others as you love yourself. If everyone did that, wouldn't we just all get along?!
What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is people who say "Can I ask you a question?" instead of just asking the quesion.
What do you want for your birthday?