revelette2 wrote:
I think the voting public is just sick and tired of hearing about the whole matter of emails no matter what angle it is looked at, it is all the same as it has been for twenty years.
What makes you think this? Because she's ahead in the polls, or because you want to believe it?
I'm sure there are plenty of voters sick and tired of hearing about Clinton's e-mail, but there are also plenty who who are not because with each new revelation her trust numbers could go down and her chances of becoming president decrease. Plus, one of them might contain the smoking gun needed to prosecute her.
The former think the latter are nuts and the latter think the former are lapdogs.
The majority of people who haven't made up their minds about Clinton or Trump probably haven't given it much thought yet. It's not like there isn't a pretty clear choice (assuming the voter will pick on or the other)
They are the folks who don't care much about staying in tune with the news and so they've not been "overdosed" with stories about e-mail. They get their impressions from the periphery. I don't think there is a substantial difference in the number who hear people in their office arguing about the e-mail and think "More about the e-mail! What's the big deal!" and "More about the e-mail! Maybe this is a big deal!"
There are also plenty of people who are just sick to death of political stories whether they be about Clinton's e-mail, or Trump's nasty tweets.
I think she will win in November but it won't be because people feel sorry for her about the e-mail coverage. There is a reason why a majority of those polled don't find her trustworthy, and if you're going to try and give them credit for not taking the e-mail issue seriously you really can't suggest that they've been duped by the Great Right Wing Conspiracy.