Quote Blickers:
Quote:Nine investigations about Benghazi puts the matter to rest.
Quote oralloy:
Quote:Not really. The Democrats always obstruct in order to cover up Hillary's wrongdoing. We've yet to have an unobstructed investigation.
Several of those investigations were in the majority Republican House, by a majority Republican committee, with a majority Republican chairman. Still found squat. Apparently your game is to say that if any Democrats at all are involved in an investigation, even on a minority level, the investigation must be considered invalid
unless it comes to a damaging conclusion against the Democrat being investigated. If that happens, the involvement of Democrats in the investigation will be overlooked.
While you're at it, why not move to make it a Constitutional Amendment that from now on, all investigations will be conducted solely by members of the Republican Party with Democrats locked out of the room while the investigations proceed? It'll be more honest on your part.
Quote Blickers:
Quote:As for the "silent" mother, mind your own business.
Quote oralloy:
Quote:No. I will not stop opposing Islamic crimes and abuses no matter how mush the Left wants to allow such things to continue.
So now the father of the family fulfilling his traditional role of speaking for the family on business and public matters constitutes an "Islamic crimes and abuses"? Up until fifty years ago or so, that's the way it was in mostly Christian America, and it is still that way for many Christians here now-the man is recognized as the head of the family. Are these families committing Christian crimes and abuses? Following your logic, the answer would appear to be "yes".
Quote oralloy:
Quote:Xians don't tend to engage in things like honor killing, stoning people to death for switching religion, terrorism, shooting little girls for trying to learn how to read, etc.
Neither do the Khans. And in the past, Christians have done these things. Check out the Inquisition. Check out the American settlers who gave the Native Americans the chance to drop their own religion and adopt Christianity or have their villages burned down. Or the town of Beziers, France in 1209, where the Cathars gained converts and the Pope sent Arnaud-Amaury to clean out the heretics. When asked how the Catholic Army was supposed to tell the Catholics from the Cathars while they ransacked the town, Arnaud-Amaury said, "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out". 7,000 people were slaughtered in Beziers. Some Muslims do these things now because Islam is located in some poor countries whose technology and political systems are straight from the Middle Ages, so they have some Muslims who act the same way Christians acted during the Middle Ages. That doesn't mean every Muslim acts like Christians did during the Inquisition, although that is what you are implying.
And that is what is what Trump is counting on, that people will think like you. That a Christian can never do wrong, and a Muslim can never do right-even if it's a Muslim family standing up for the memory of their Muslim son who died trying to save the lives of his fellow American soldiers. Shame on you.