Quote:What is "coercive political activism"? Ths appears to me to be a euphamism for activism coming from people with whom you don't agree. The problem is their right to represent their views is equal to that of anyone else. You are applying a priori judgments here that don't pass the laugh test.
I'm not even going to read the rest of your post that follows this quote. You need to slow down in your reading, thinking and writing. You refuse to get a very simple point and differentiation that I've repeated a number of times now. Why you are doing this, I don't know, but it makes dialogue purposeless. So I'll do this one last time, george.
1) if a faith community has a belief different from my own, that's fine. Most do. And if that belief constrains the behavior of the members of their own community or coerces behaviors in their own community, that's fine. What business is it of mine? It's like a family down the street behaving badly (in my view). It's not my business (outside of criminality, obviously).
2) but if that faith community then proceeds to become politically active in the broader community such that they seek to constrain the behavior of others outside their community or seek to coerce others outside their community based on their beliefs and values, then they are categorically different from 1). It is now no longer a matter of me disagreeing. They have now involved me and everyone else and it becomes a matter of me (and others) defending our autonomy and rights of self-determination.
3) This faith community has every right to voice their values and beliefs into the broader community if they wish to do so. Why would I care if someone knocks at my door or passes out a broadsheet to publicize their notion that there is a God with blue skin and four arms who creates unlimited universes? Or that a different God created the universe in six days? Or that the sky and the earth were once in happy accord then got in a fight and separated? Or that abortion is an intrinsic evil? Fine. Let them talk. Let them publish. Let them get on TV and explain their ideas and traditions.
4) Moves to ban all abortions or even to ban most abortions and moves to coercively force women to undergo vaginal probes originate in faith communities in the US (and elsewhere). Because they feel justified, by their faith, in controlling my behavior and non-members lives absolutely regardless of non-members' wishes, I consider them (where they so act) as my immediate enemy.