I'm not a huge fan of Cheaney, but even if I believed he had repeatedly lied throughout the last three years, I would not view his "Probably" answer as a lie or an attempt to obfuscate.
Irrespective of whether or not the man is as venal as you believe, answering "probably" to the question cannot be reasonably interpreted as anything other than "yes."
Everything out of the man's mouth is not a lie, and it serves no purpose to suggest otherwise.
As for the limbless soldier, neither of us can really predict what his reaction might be, but, frankly, I could understand his irrational reaction to this non-event over yours.
I will not argue with you concerning the importance of truth from our elected officials, just that this episode has no bearing, at all, on the topic.
We shall disagree on that point, then.
Have you, may I enquire, put your studious mind to any perusal of Straussian theory?
The incident is a symptom like throwing up at a party. I would think there is more to come if Cheney is able to live through it.

lets see what happens next
Let me offer up a theory.
These are not likely to be happy days in the White House. Pretty much everything has not gone in the direction which might make the hoped for re-election a sure or even likely thing. These guys are in trouble and they know it. Infighting is becoming increasingly evident, as is a new lack of self-control in the demeanor of Bush and Cheney both. Further, as Hitchen's wrote two weeks past, what we have seen of Abu Ghraib is a junior version of other pictures and films...much worse occured. Various investigations and commissions are yet to blossom before the election, as is this week's Supreme Court rulings on the administration's handling of war prisoners. The administration is far more aware than any of us just how much might be revealed and how much of that will invalidate their actions and statements.
And if there is very much that has gone on behind closed doors which has been illegal (as in Iran-Contra) or deceitful or morally questionable (energy commission hearings, ties to enron, etc), then a new democrat presidency might well threaten to expose this guarded information. If such information is bad enough, then the New Right could be under severe threat of losing its reputation and its support. And these are serious boys and girls.
i like your theory

my question is.... if these are serious boys and girls, what will they do to stop this
my thoughts are
maybe they'll declare martial law and execute all the democrats and leftys and liberals while they still got time...

or maybe they'll kick off world war three to prove they were right all along.......

if these dudes are crazy enough to do what they've done already i wouldn't put this past em
and 'new right' should read 'neu reich'
col man
I think we ought to consider that they are not folks like Stalin. Like Machiavelli, yes. And that is a mixed bag of realism and some other less savory notions about the role of citizens in a democracy.
Miller wrote:Rick d'Israeli wrote:
Jesus Christ, what is all the fuss concerning ****. Or should I say: the f-word. We are no babies anymore, right?
Would QUeen Elizabeth have commented in a similar fashion, if given the opportunity
I don't know. I don't care frankly. She's not my queen.
blatham wrote:We shall disagree on that point, then.
Have you, may I enquire, put your studious mind to any perusal of Straussian theory?
I am a neo-con, it's required.
For a thorough explanation of the word "rationalization" read the comments from the Cheney apologists.
BillyFalcon wrote:For a thorough explanation of the word "rationalization" read the comments from the Cheney apologists.
And for a thorough explanation of the word
"vacuous" read Billy's post above.