Hi Col Man! You like those smileys, huh? I'll see if I can find a link.
Here ya go! it was during an interview with Rolling Stone magazine! Not all that inappropriate, really.
I still find it ridiculous some are making such a fuss about it. Maybe I had a liberal upbringing that was too liberal?
I'm not offended or surprised. We all know adults use that word from time to time and we also know that Cheney is a jerk off, so no big deal.
That pretty summarizes it.
Well these are the people who are up-in-arms over Howard Stern.
doglover wrote:The fact that Cheney said the 'F' word is no big deal, IMO. In 2004, most adults use that word at one time or another. The fact that he said it on the floor of the Senate bothers me. The fact that he was unable to control his emotions is pretty scary for a man who is a heartbeat away from the presidency. Cheney is a loud mouth bully, just like W and the rest of his inner circle.
When Dick told Leahy to F--- himself, was he promoting homosexuality?
The only thing that keeps Cheney in office is that if something happened to him George Bush would be president and that's pretty terrible to contemplate.......
I, for one, am appalled at this. Cheney has disgraced his country with this vile profanity, and I think he should have his balls cut off and fed to Paul Wolfowitz for this.
Well, I do think politicians should have some emotions. Calling f*ck ones in a while is actually quite amusing in my eyes, as long as it doesn't escalate.
No! He should have his balls cut off and fed to Paul Wolfowitz!
Well, the biggest punishment in that case would be for Wolfowitz.
KC, you would try to poison the Assistant Secretary of Defense
Quote:No! He should have his balls cut off and fed to Paul Wolfowitz!
Good for Cheaney. It's not something I'd want to see repeated with any regularity, but Leahy is a big boy. I'm sure he didn't even blush.
If all Stern did was utter the "f-word" once or twice a year I'd be on his side.
I'm not aware of Kerry using the "f-word" on TV, but I think the criticism of his using it in his Rolling Stone interview was not that it was offensive as much as it was somewhat pathetic that Kerry felt the need to get edgy to appeal to Rolling Stone's youthful readership.
Certainly. He should be stuffy because as a politician, he's better than everyone else and never swears, right?
Some people know their audience, is all. You want a good interview, you be real.
Yeah. Think the problem with the Rolling Stone interview was that Kerry was so obviously not being real. Just being a stuffy politician trying to act like he was one of the kids ...