CHENEY USES THE "F"WORD IN THE SENATE! proves his guilt???!

Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2004 10:33 pm
I loved it.

Leahy was gutting Cheney in the news. That's his perogative.

Then he wants to act all buddy-buddy, back-patting and all.

I really loved that Cheney didn't try to distance himself from it.

Hey, Leahy. Go **** yourself! Muahahaha.
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the reincarnation of suzy
Reply Sat 26 Jun, 2004 11:00 pm
That's the way I see it, too. Especially in his case; Cheney feels no need to be a poser, he's not actually "running" for anything. Also, he knows it matters not a whit what we think of him anyway.
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 07:57 am
Cheney isn't aware of the proper approach to someone who has chided you for wrong doing. You simply ask them, "Do you really believe I would so something like that?," not, "Go f**k yourself."
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:10 am
Rick d'Israeli wrote:
Jesus Christ, what is all the fuss concerning ****. Or should I say: the f-word. We are no babies anymore, right?

Would QUeen Elizabeth have commented in a similar fashion, if given the opportunity Question
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:11 am
Lightwizard wrote:
Cheney isn't aware of the proper approach to someone who has chided you for wrong doing. You simply ask them, "Do you really believe I would so something like that?," not, "Go f**k yourself."

I think "real men" would say, "Go f-yourself"!. Why not?
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:13 am
Depends on what your defintion of a "real man" is.
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:13 am
Depends on what your defintion of a "real man" is.
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:23 am
A tribute to real men.

When did it become acceptable in this country for a man to go from being a rugged, plaid-wearing, beef jerky eating badass to a well-groomed, "metrosexual" girly-boy like Ben Affleck? Affleck recently agreed to be a spokesman for L'Oreal, with L'Oreal quoted as saying "Ben embodies a new generation of men who show their strength in their personality but are not afraid to care for their appearance." Afraid of taking care of their appearances? It's not that we're afraid you assholes, it's that we don't menstruate. What next? Men getting hormone injections so they can breast feed?

"Ben embodies a new generation of men who show their strength in their personality but are not afraid to breast feed their children."
Is it okay that I don't have a sense of style? Is it okay for me to scratch myself? I'm hairy. I like wearing plaid and I don't want to be told how to dress by some dude with a "queer eye." Is that okay with you sissies, or would you like me to package my balls and neatly carry them in a purse? For crying out loud. You're turning us into a nation of pussies.

That's why I wrote this tribute to real men, the kind of men who perpetuate our species, don't know what conditioner is used for, and don't apologize for not wearing makeup. Without further ado, real men:

Gregory Peck:

Gregory Peck is a man's man, the kind of man you read about in the bible. A man who came from a time when beating your woman was not only socially acceptable, but encouraged (not that I'm saying spousal abuse is right, I'm just saying that sometimes she deserves it). He has the charisma of Frank Sinatra and the rugged manliness of a lumber jack. Even his last name is manly: "Peck," the phonetic equivalence of a slang term for a man's chest; it's a simple, almost primitive sound like a grunt, straight and to the point without fancy extra syllables and gratuitous punctuation. His default expression is a determined scowl, like he's prepared to introduce you to the business end of his shoe if you look at him wrong.

Picture of Peck driving with a face full of scowl and a woman in the passenger seat, like God intended.

Unlike the self-serving asshole Christopher Reeve, Peck became chair of the American Cancer Society despite the fact that he never had cancer. His integrity was genuine on-screen and off. Hats off to Peck for being a real man.

Aron Ralston:

If you're asking yourself "who the hell is Aron Ralston," you'd better step back and re-evaluate your life right now. Ralston, the living legend, was hiking up a cliff in southern Utah (probably to do something manly like take a leak off of it), when a giant boulder fell on him, pinning his arm against the ground. Most people would have just died, but did he surrender his life to a mere giant life-threatening boulder? Hell no. He just kept getting angrier and angrier until he finally CUT OFF HIS ARM WITH A DULL KNIFE. This after he literally chiseled away at the bone so he could snap his arm off and free himself from underneath the rock. Yes, you read that correctly, he cut off his own arm with a dull pocket knife.

Since I don't have any credible sources of what happened next, I'm going to go off of the next best thing: hearsay and rumor. After he cut off his arm, he jumped off the cliff and broke his fall with his face, just because he's that tough. Then he got ambushed by a tribe of angry Indians, caught an arrow in his heart, pulled it out and killed all the warriors with it. On his way back a buffalo crossed his path so what did Ralston do? He head-butt it to death, then he found its offspring and broke their ribs just for pissing him off. Then he chopped down a tree with his undoubtedly large penis, built a raft out of it and rafted down the green river. That's the damn truth--more or less. Aron Ralston is a real man and one tough son of a bitch. He deserves utmost respect for being such a badass.

Captain Sigurdur "Iceman" Petursson:

I couldn't find a picture of captain Petursson, so I drew one:

Picture of Captain Petursson beating the **** out of a Dimetrodon.

Captain Petursson, the skipper of a trawler named "Erik the Red," was watching his crew gut some fish one day when he saw a shark swimming towards them. Did he grab his skirt and run screaming like some nancy-boy? Hell no! He ran alright, right into the water, grabbed the 660 lb (300 kg) shark by its tail, dragged it to land and MURDERED IT WITH HIS KNIFE!!*$# Holy ****!

Although he's called the "Iceman," I have no doubt this man was born and raised a pirate. How can he not be? He probably eats rocks and shits gun powder. If he were any manlier, he'd start a website where he lambasted morons who emailed him on a daily basis. Captain Petursson is a real man in every sense of the word.

John Hirsch:

John Hirsch was minding his own damn business in his back yard when a black bear had the audacity to assault him in his own home. Hirsch pulled out his 3 inch knife and called the bear on, circling him like a wrestler in a ring. The bear kept swatting at him, but Hirsch ducked, then stabbed the bear in the face each time it lunged. When the bear finally had enough of its **** ruined, it finally gave up and died like a pussy: its tongue was severed, jaw broken and it had several new assholes ripped into it, making it more aerodynamic (if you happen to be optimistic).

Of course, animal rights groups bitched about Hirsch, saying the bear was just looking for food. No ****? I'm sure the bear would have had no qualm about eating Hirsch, and the dumbass animal rights activists would have gotten a huge chubby if the bear had eaten him. I wish a bear would eat them instead.

That about covers it for this tribute to real men, but there's one more I have to mention:

Judge Mathis:

Judge Mathis deserves to be on this list simply because he happens to have the most finely tuned bullshit detector I've ever seen. Nothing gets past him. Sometimes he plays along with someone when he knows they're lying, letting the person build a complex house of contradictions thatched together with bullshit so he can come back and stomp everyone's ass in the court room. Judge Judy, Joe Brown, and "Texas Justice" Larry Joe have nothing on him. Mathis could chew them up and spit them out like a pile of soggy sausages. He's part Shaft, part Matlock (the non-flaccid, non-geriatric part), and all badass. Hail Mathis.

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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:34 am
So Queen Elizabeth is a real man. Hmm, I always thought she was a drag queen.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 05:43 pm
Great piece Miller. Cool

I especially liked this part:

"After he cut off his arm, he jumped off the cliff and broke his fall with his face, just because he's that tough. Then he got ambushed by a tribe of angry Indians, caught an arrow in his heart, pulled it out and killed all the warriors with it. On his way back a buffalo crossed his path so what did Ralston do? He head-butt it to death, then he found its offspring and broke their ribs just for pissing him off. Then he chopped down a tree with his undoubtedly large penis, built a raft out of it and rafted down the green river. That's the damn truth--more or less. Aron Ralston is a real man and one tough son of a bitch. He deserves utmost respect for being such a badass." Twisted Evil
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 06:10 pm
...and then he ran for the Vice Presidency.
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 06:19 pm
Is there any Senator who doesn't say 'fuk' sometimes? I doubt it. The Nixon tapes have a full measure of the term. My personal political hero, Pierre Trudeau said it in parliament, and on another occasion told an opponent to 'mange la merde'. Bush uses the term though Karen Hughes lied about that (Tucker Carlson, in something he wrote, noted this usage and Hughes denied it to the press and then called Tucker and denied it to him even though he was reporting on a conversation between the three of them).

So the use is no big deal. But his disengenuousness (or cowardice, or both) in answering 'probably' when asked if he'd used it is typical of the fellow. Bold straight shooter he isn't. He's a sneak.

And of course, he did add the schoolboy macho "I felt better after". That's quite rich... the classic "liberal" criterion for the self-reflective enterprise. I think we can safely assume that a robust number of wounded soldiers might feel much better if they the opportunity to kick Cheney in the berries with one of their amputated limbs.

It's the false pretence of superior morality or courage, and the never-ending lies from these people that are sending their numbers steadily down and leading increasing numbers of Americans to turn away in disgust.
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 06:32 pm
The issue isn't whether he said it, it's the indiscretion in saying it near microphones or reporters. I'm sure the Senate chambers can sound like an episode of "The Sopranos" especially after hitting the bar.
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 06:50 pm
The issue isn't whether he said it, it's the indiscretion in saying it near microphones or reporters. I'm sure the Senate chambers can sound like an episode of "The Sopranos" especially after hitting the bar.
Which is probably why he practiced discretion when asked, alluded to 'his suggestion', didn't deny it--but didn't characterize it more specifically to a reporter. Smile
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 07:36 pm
"characterize it more specifically"??? Saying "yes" instead of "probably" wouldn't be characterizing it more specifically, it would be telling the truth.

sofia's misuse of language here is something everyone should jump on without hesitation. The purpose is not to clarify or elucidate, but to obscure.

Another example is the announcement today that the CIA would, until further study is done on the matter, refrain from using enhanced interrogation techniques.

"Enhanced"??? When a thing is enhanced, it is made superior to what was there before, like adding Vitamin C. Being washboarded isn't like more Vitamin C. The more proper word here would be 'degraded' or 'inhuman' or 'illegal'.

War is Peace. Up is down. What do you think George Orwell would make of the stuff that comes out of this administration's collective mouth?
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:00 pm
That Cheney probably said "**** yourself."
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:22 pm
blatham wrote:
Is there any Senator who doesn't say 'fuk' sometimes? I doubt it. The Nixon tapes have a full measure of the term. My personal political hero, Pierre Trudeau said it in parliament, and on another occasion told an opponent to 'mange la merde'. Bush uses the term though Karen Hughes lied about that (Tucker Carlson, in something he wrote, noted this usage and Hughes denied it to the press and then called Tucker and denied it to him even though he was reporting on a conversation between the three of them).

So the use is no big deal. But his disengenuousness (or cowardice, or both) in answering 'probably' when asked if he'd used it is typical of the fellow. Bold straight shooter he isn't. He's a sneak.

And of course, he did add the schoolboy macho "I felt better after". That's quite rich... the classic "liberal" criterion for the self-reflective enterprise. I think we can safely assume that a robust number of wounded soldiers might feel much better if they the opportunity to kick Cheney in the berries with one of their amputated limbs.

Your taking exception to his answer "probably," seems to be clear evidence that your disdain for the man has clouded your ability to view anything he says or does with anything approaching objectivity.

If one responds "Probably," to the question "Did you use the F-Word," one's answer may be seen as cute, but it's hardly disingenuous or cowardly since everyone (save perhaps Cheaney Haters) will clearly understand it means "Yes."

As for his comment that he felt better after using it (which, by the way, only confirms that "probably" clearly meant "yes"), it's quite a stretch to categorize it as macho (schoolboy or otherwise).

I doubt that even limbless soldiers in Iraq who have no use for the Bush Administration would react as vehemently to this episode as you seem to have.

blatham wrote:
It's the false pretence of superior morality or courage, and the never-ending lies from these people that are sending their numbers steadily down and leading increasing numbers of Americans to turn away in disgust.

It's quite interesting, in light of the above, that what irritates so many residing on the Right (like me) about the Left is its pretense (false pretense is redundant) of moral superiority. If I wasn't so sure that I am right and the Left is wrong, I might suppose there is a truth to be uncovered herein.

While you're at it, perhaps you can provide us with a list of the never-ending lies of "these people." Please, don't post David Corn's list. That's already been debunked on another thread.
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:23 pm
Nah. He'd find this administration despicable. And for cause.

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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:27 pm
blatham wrote:

sofia's misuse of language here is something everyone should jump on without hesitation. The purpose is not to clarify or elucidate, but to obscure.

sofia hardly needs me to play knight in shining armour, but your Cheaney induced bile seems to have unjustly overflowed onto her. Again, only a hot brained partisan is going to see the use of "probably" as an attempt to obscure. Which is not to say that I think of you as a hot brained partisan. Cool
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Reply Sun 27 Jun, 2004 08:42 pm

If 'probably' was the only lie this fellow had told, I'd likely think it cute too. But it follows a long and illustrious history of obfuscation and falsehoods. I don't like the fellow, it is true. Yet I held no opinion on him at all previous to the last three years, though which I've had the opportunity to see him in action.

As regards our imagined limbless soldier, nah, I don't think his response would likely be milder than mine.

I understand your reaction to intimations from the left of moral superiority. Quite clearly, such intimations are precisely what have driven some people to move rightward. The left, during the sixties and seventies, was marked by a commonplace assumption of such superiority, often quite unreflective. Any time truth or superiority becomes 'accepted', trouble is around the corner.

But I make my claim here about Cheney and about this administration, not about the 'right' (other than as the present American right is representative of the same things I criticize about specific persons or groups of persons).

I do believe that if we let our politicians lie to us, to tell us half truths or falsehoods, or to secret away out of public view documents and information regarding their own operations (aside from truely essential security matters), then we are inviting in some form or some degree of authoritarian control. And that, regardless of the color of the uniform, is what I think the enemy.

You are correct on the redundancy however. I shall leave it unedited as proof you've said something not easily criticizable.
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