I think in reality there are (3) simular threads to this or at least posts started within threads in the last few days.
You know? I'd like to think that if you love this place you'd create more threads of interest for those here to join in on and others will see and naturally make their own thread of conversation.
It's called a "good" family community that is important to those "family members".
But having only been here a few years, I'm still here and I'd be one of the first to start threads and reply to more posters in order for A2K to gain more recognition.
Excepting in my opinion it doesn't need it. It stands on it's own, it's a free spirited Forum to a large degree not what I was used to.
The tough don't care and the polite just speak their mind and the nasties well what can I say.
I dislike these posts. It's whining . When the going gets tough the tough get going I'm sure we could just think out the square and create enjoyable threads to participate in.
Maybe some are just bored and carry on the same ol same ol in a lot of old threads and then get their knickers in a knot.
I've enjoyed a vast array here and will continue to do so.