I was raised catholic, long story, but there were good parts to all that. One was that in my time, as opposed to back in the days of Giordano Bruno, science was appreciated (well, mostly). I was taught evolution with a caveat that god started it, and as far as I know, catholics still think that way.
I've never read Dawkins (why would I do that, I think what I think, I'd rather read some literature/ordinary books) and from what you write I don't agree with him at all.
Palisades Park in Santa Monica is interesting. First of all, there used to be a quite beautiful statue of St. Monica there, at the Pacific end of Wilshire Boulevard. I liked it. Even as an atheist, I entered some design contest re the statue and the park. Meanwhile, I think there were creches in the park in recent years and followup atheist constructions. I don't remember how that turned out, but there was sturm and drang for a while.