Asherman wrote:Our past was only prolog to this moment. They were interesting times, and I regret nothing. We enjoyed those times though they were often filled with poverty and want. I have fond memories, though most of the people and events are less real than what I dreamed last night. Did we learn anything?
Now that is an interesting question. I almost feel like making this a new thread.
Did you learn anything?
I grew up in SF California in the 60s, well I was 10 in 1966, so they were a bit older than I. The hippies were like demigods to me. I admired the way they protested all the injustices, questioned everything, tried to create new ways of life in every area from education to farming to interpersonal relationships to . . .
Then, I saw the dream sort of wither and die in the 70s and 80s. A lot of hypocritical things started happening. "I got mine, did you?" looks started happening everywhere. Hippies became stockbrokers.
I felt a little taken aback. Was I stupid to believe?
Anyway, yes, back to Asherman's question: Did that generation learn anything?
And here's a weird thing: If that was a sort of Renaissance, I feel like we're largely slipping back into a Dark Age in USA now. Are there people around to build on what was learned then? Or is it almost like each new generation has to re-learn everything?
What has happened to all that was learned back then? Is it influencing our reality today? How? (I see there is probably more wheat bread in the stores than in 1955, for a silly example).