1)Before I retired I worked my last three years of employment as a security guard for a catholic church... the Irony being I'm an non-believer. Well, every morning they would feed people, handing out sandwiches and coffee no questions asked. ones's background didn't matter.
My jobs was to keep people in line and to keep some semblance of order so that others didn't jump the line a head of other, to help prevent disturbances.
For the most part there was seldom any trouble. I got to know a few, talked with them. Many were homeless, as expected, down on their look, some do to bad decision making in their lives.
But for the most part many, for mental reasons, are unable to manage their lives. Many receive SSI government subsidies. There are State and local agencies to help them. That sounds good. But here's' the problem, It can't work when people who have mental problems and because of their mental instabilities cannot make sane and rational judgements about their lives. Their decision making faculties are out of whack so in a sense they are victims.
2) There has to be more then just coincident that people who are abused adopt the negative word, the word that was meant to insult them by the abuser, believe that reverse of that slur,the turning of that word as if to say this word can't harm me I own it... I think one deludes themselves. They are victims also. There is more than ample example of this. Queer, Nigger, slut etc. There is a psychological component where few of us seem not to mention or refuse to discuss. . Those who foolishly believe they have power and those who believe, just as foolishly, that they are void of it. ..the sadistic-masochist paradigm. It is most common and manifested in domestic violence. It is nothing other then a form of abuse.
How can we begin to talk about equality and correcting this problem of racism when we are still mired in our own ****?
How can we move forward when refuse to see others because our heads are buried deep up our own ass?
How can we move forward when ideology and bureaucracy,individual or collective, are more important life?
Where is the concern for how we treat each other and the respect that goes with it?
Is there no effort on our part to see others?
I don't ague the victim card to use as an excuse. I do not argue this point to use as a crutch, that in and of itself would be crippling and not helpful. I do not argue this point for handouts. I argue the victim card as to bring light and awareness to it and hope people recognize that there is psychological damage cased by abuse that needs to be addressed and must be tended to if there is to be a solution to the race problem.
I think that there is a psychological element that needs to recognized. And until it is I doubt a solution ca be found.
A society with a racist psychological is a sick society. The words, whether they be Queer, Nigger or slut are just one of many ways that this sickness is manifested.
What sane individual or society would destroy, degrade, dehumanize another individual or group for short term gains, that might benefit him or her or society in some way and manner in the long run if their potential is allowed to grow?
What is gained by misguided hate that consume you and destroys all around you including doing ill reparable harm to yourself...etc?
What is this need for power? this drive to achieve power? Obtaining power is an illusion? Absolute power doesn't corrupt because it doesn't exist. The lack of power is what corrupts. This idea that empowering a slur, turning it around and owning is false.
There is an adage I read somewhere. It says if you own a dog and feed and take care of that dog the dog will think you are a god. I f you own a cat and feed and take care of that cat the cat will think that it is a god.
If there is a solution it will come when our state of mind is healed.