Senator who spearheaded letter to Iran got $1 Million from Kristol's 'Energency C'tee for Israel'

Reply Wed 18 Mar, 2015 11:40 am
If any people get fire in their bellies as Oliver puts it, I hope it is the voting independents who lean left and the democrats when elections come around. We all just seem so passive compared republican/conservative supporters.

Good point. How come the repukes are passionate about their stupid rhetoric, while the dems are all blasé and diminutive of their own smarts and capacities? Passion is not a bad thing, or a "blinder" to reason as the classic philosophical tradition has it. Passion is a strength, a motivator, another way to think. Let's not let the fools monopolize it.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 18 Mar, 2015 12:59 pm
That is not a minor nor inconsequential question, Olivier...nor are the implications of the question.

I've often asked it in a variation:

Why is it American conservatives brag about their conservatism...and motivate their political candidates and wanna-be's to tout their conservative credentials through all campaigns...

...while for the most part American liberals keep that facet of their personality quiet, if not hidden...and "motivate" their candidates and wanna-be's to never even mention the word while campaigning?

American conservative candidates actually fight each other arguing over who is the most conservative! When is the last time you heard a liberal candidate argue that he/she was the most liberal of the choices available? In fact, consider how often you have heard any candidate brag about being a liberal at all.
Reply Wed 18 Mar, 2015 02:15 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Nick Clegg was on the radio today and he wouldn't shut up about it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Mar, 2015 02:59 pm
revelette2 wrote:

I agree with you and other here who expressed their views on Hillary, but, in the end, I would rather she gets it than any of the republicans I have seen thus far.

Compared to the Republican clown car, the only alternative is Hillary Clinton. There simply are NO qualified GOP candidates who are competent enough to be president of the US with the exception of possibly, Jon Huntsman, a Republican. He's logical, with a considerate demeanor, plus personable. Remember he served as Ambassador to China in the first Obama administration? Yet, even though he, as a Republican, has my respect, I would never vote Republican at this time of history with the Tea Party taking over the Establishment Republicans. The emerging GOP clown car merely motives mainstream America to run faster towards Hillary. Hillary is her own "man" and is so far removed from the Tea Party ilk one would think it was another planet.

The propaganda circulating in social media tends to take its toll on impressionables. But what exactly has Hillary done? She is not the only one to use a personal server. Hillary is being targeted and lambasted because she is the only one to make Republicans tremble at the knees and they are deathly afraid of this female. RUN, HILLARY! DO YOUR THING. BE THE FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT! Shatter that glass ceiling.

If any people get fire in their bellies as Oliver puts it, I hope it is the voting independents who lean left and the democrats when elections come around. We all just seem so passive compared republican/conservative supporters.

Democrats do not need to demonstrate by yelling at the top of their lungs to be heard; we leave the screeching to the Republicans. Dems fight for equal justice for the poor, the middle class, for Gays, Transexuals, Lesbians, etc. Dems fight for Unions which are responsible for creating the middle class. Dems are fighting against the privatizing of Medicare, Social Security. Dems are fighting the GOP who insist on cutting food stamps for the needy, the disabled. If you don't see Dems out there acting as evil and militantly as the Republicans, well it's simply because we let our actions speak for itself.
Reply Wed 18 Mar, 2015 08:24 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Who you talkin' about, Frank?

Quit putting liberals in a bag. Do you actually read all of the politics threads? My impression is that you don't scour New Posts to see what is going on.
I don't put libertarians in one bag, nor conservatives. I get some of their takes.

On liberal candidates, I'm not happy that they temper their views, if they do.
The two liberal politicians I knew, both women as friends, both winning offices, were straightforward.

Reply Thu 19 Mar, 2015 12:30 am
@Frank Apisa,
Liberal isent where he money is Frank. Even so called liberals are sucking at the business tit. Until they take big money out of the equation nothing will change.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 19 Mar, 2015 05:38 am
If you thought I said EVERY SINGLE LIBERAL IN THE WORLD, Ossobuco...I didn't.

I am talking about a trend.

For the record...if I list each race where I have heard the Republican candidates arguing over which of them is the most conservative...or most reliably conservative candidate...

...will you match me race for race with individuals on the Dem side arguing over which is the most liberal...or most reliably liberal candidate?

You won't find it. Liberals seem almost afraid of the word and label. This does not mean that every single liberal who ever existed is...but the very great majority of "liberal" candidates never mention it.

That was my point.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Mar, 2015 08:58 am
The propaganda circulating in social media tends to take its toll on impressionables. But what exactly has Hillary done.

Oh, well, I don't know about how everyone feels, but for me, I find her too hawkish and too much supportive of Israel, I thought so when I chose Obama over her in 2008. And then they way she and Bill Clinton ran their campaign in such manner I have had hard time getting over, my feelings were they were subtle but they played those democrats (and there are democrats who a little racist, some of the poorer white working class)who would have rather not have had a black man in office over a white woman but did not want a republican. (some in my own family felt that way (extended family) even though they were not working poor, but not republican)Those were just my impressions at that time and they have stuck with me even though Obama chose to put her in as Secretary of State and as far as I know she did a good job, furthermore, she did a good job as Senator except those things I mentioned at the top of the paragraph.

Democrats do not need to demonstrate by yelling at the top of their lungs to be heard; we leave the screeching to the Republicans. Dems fight for equal justice for the poor, the middle class, for Gays, Transexuals, Lesbians, etc. Dems fight for Unions which are responsible for creating the middle class. Dems are fighting against the privatizing of Medicare, Social Security. Dems are fighting the GOP who insist on cutting food stamps for the needy, the disabled. If you don't see Dems out there acting as evil and militantly as the Republicans, well it's simply because we let our actions speak for itself.

True we do not need to yell at the top of our lungs in the vulgar way some of those shills (to use a word someone ironically uses for us) do, however, to show a little gumption and passion is not a bad thing. The civil rights movement and other such good things did not get passed by letting actions speak for themselves. They had passionate speeches and they seemed proud to stand for what they believed in instead of almost trying to sound republican the way they have. I am hopeful though that has been changing of late since 2012, it seems to me it has, except during mid-term elections. Why is that?
Reply Fri 20 Mar, 2015 07:55 pm
Korkamann wrote:
The propaganda circulating in social media tends to take its toll on impressionables. But what exactly has Hillary done.

revelette2 wrote:
Oh, well, I don't know about how everyone feels, but for me, I find her too hawkish and too much supportive of Israel, I thought so when I chose Obama over her in 2008. And then they way she and Bill Clinton ran their campaign in such manner I have had hard time getting over, my feelings were they were subtle but they played those democrats (and there are democrats who a little racist, some of the poorer white working class)who would have rather not have had a black man in office over a white woman but did not want a republican

Initially, Hillary used an anti-Semitic slur against a Jewish individual.

Hillary Clinton: “f***ing Jew bastard” [The Times, London] and other Clinton quotes.
by MR. CHARRINGTON on JUNE 1, 2007
Hillary Clinton: “******* Jew bastard.”

(From Jerry Oppenheimer in his book State of the Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton -2000.)

There’s no doubt, Hillary Clinton called Paul Fray a “******* Jew bastard.” If there were the slightest doubt, you can bet that vicious Hillary would have sicced her amoral $450-an-hour shyster David Kendall on every author, publication and news service that reported her anti-Semitic slur, regardless of how veiled and coy the media were about her vile outburst.
Hillary has a strange personality, a dark side which has been seen by her secret service men, and others who talk anonymously. But by the same token, we all own a dark side...none of us are one-dimensional. Yet, despite this, she will be a formidable foe for the underdog, the poor, the Middle Class, Gays, and minorities. She will not let the Democrats down. The contrast between Hillary and the Repukes is vast. The Repukes care nothing for the average American and seek to exploit them for the rich exclusively. The Repukes are thinking of cutting Medicare or privatizing it, like giving a voucher. They're also thinking of privatizing SS for *current* retirees. Hillary, being a Democrat will veto such changes.

I think I will stick with Hillary Clinton who seems more humane than the cold-blooded reptilian Republicans.

Reply Fri 20 Mar, 2015 08:18 pm
Hillary Clinton is solicitous of the Jewish Community because she was a US senator from New York. NY has a huge Jewish community and it is the financial center of the world. Clinton needed the Jewish vote and their financial backing.

Hillary and Bill were citizens from Arkansas, a southern red state. The Clintons do not have any special love for African Americans or any other group as far as that matters, but courts these groups lovingly to get their vote. The Clinton's racism surfaced during the Obama and Hillary campaign especially in South Carolina when Obama won the state. Bill Clinton came out swinging, mentioning that Jesse Jackson had won South Carolina so no big thing. (One has to read between the line here.) Jesse Jackson never stood a realistic chance of becoming president of the US. Jackson is no Barack Obama who was once the president of the Law review at Harvard. Bill Clinton attempted to trivialize Obama's win. He went on to characterize Obama as a "shyster." Representative James E. Clyburn (D - SC) called Bill Clinton to cut it out, NOW! Bill stopped ad hominem on Obama.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2015 07:15 am
Right on the button, Korkamann.

She does have a dark side...as most of us do. Her's may be even darker than most. And she has an imperialistic tendency.

But compared with what the other side has in store for us...she will be the better choice by far.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2015 09:03 am
I know like others have expressed I have my feeling against her, but in the end, if she is candidate I will vote for her. Probably over most other democrats as well, perhaps. I agree that she will be a good President regardless of her baggage with republicans.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 01:37 pm
The latest.

The scale of civilian deaths in Gaza during the 2014 war with Israel puts Israel's adherence to international law in doubt, a UN official has said.

In his annual report, the special rapporteur also said many children were left traumatised by the 50-day conflict.

Israel and its ally the US were both absent from the debate at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-32017348<br />
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 04:41 pm
What makes anyone think Israel cares about pal. kids being killed by their brave military murders?
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2015 04:33 am
Maybe this might concern them.

Israel has denied a report that it spied on talks between Iran and the US over Iran's nuclear programme.

A senior Israeli official told the BBC that the claims, reported in the Wall Street Journal, were "utterly false".

The journal said Israel wanted details of the talks in order to build a case against a nuclear deal with Iran.

Earlier this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the US Congress that a deal being discussed could "pave Iran's path to the bomb".

The US, UK, France, Germany, Russia and China are seeking to reach agreement to curtail Iran's nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief.

They fear Iran wants to build a nuclear bomb - something Iran denies, insisting it is merely exercising its right to peaceful nuclear power.

The sides aim to reach a framework deal by the end of March.

According to Tuesday's report in the journal, Israel began eavesdropping on the talks last year and also acquired information from confidential briefings with US officials and diplomatic contacts in Europe.

The White House uncovered the operation, the report said, when US intelligence agencies spying on Israel intercepted messages among Israeli officials that could only have come from closed-door talks.

US officials were particularly upset that Israel had sought to share the information with US lawmakers and others to build a case against the deal, the report added.

But a senior official in Mr Netanyahu's office told the BBC on Tuesday: "These allegations are utterly false.

"The state of Israel does not conduct espionage against the United States or Israel's other allies. The false allegations are clearly intended to undermine the strong ties between the United States and Israel and the security and intelligence relationship we share."

The report comes amid tense relations between the White House and Mr Netanyahu's government.

The Israeli prime minister angered Washington in his recent re-election campaign when he said he would not allow a Palestinian state if he was returned to office.

He later tempered his statement, saying he did want a two-state solution, but that "circumstances have to change".

0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2015 05:09 am
revelette2 wrote:

I know like others have expressed I have my feeling against her, but in the end, if she is the candidate I will vote for her. Probably over most other democrats as well, perhaps. I agree that she will be a good President regardless of her baggage with republicans.

Yes, I agree revelette2. Hillary remains the best chance we have of defeating the GOP. More people across the spectrum will come out to vote for her, Gays, Moderates, Independence, Latinos, Asians, African-Americans, Women groups, and Unions; a lot of this has to do with her husband, Bill Clinton who is still extremely popular with the Democrats. Elizabeth Warren, even though many want her to run, doesn't have a chance in this climate..... the powers that count have already committed to Hillary....Warren is no Barack Obama, who after the disastrous GWB term, offered someone totally different, whose very presence offered something excitingly new. We know Warren is against Wall Street, but how is she in foreign affairs. Not that many people really know Elizabeth Warren....so far she appears to be one-dimensional. If the two women had started out on an equal footing, my vote would go to Warren un-hesitatingly.

There will never be that perfect candidate simply because humans are imperfect....we all have our defects. Hillary does what she feel she must to help in her run for the top. The former Secretary of State is a passionate individual, strong-minded, ambitious and will represent the Democratic platform. That's all I want is someone who is undeterred in the fight with the unscrupulous Republicans.
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2015 07:12 am
Up to this point I agree. However, I haven't heard a peep out of her concerning Israel in recent weeks. It's telling. Not that I think any of the republicans will be any better in that regard. I really want a democrat who is strong enough to stand against Israel if the need arises. Judging by an article and poll taken Huffingpost, I am not alone in that.

Will Democrats Back Obama's UN Push for Two States in Israel-Palestine?
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2015 07:21 am
The first priority of anyone who feels they have a contribution to make as a leader...is to get elected.

Anyone hoping to get elected to any nationwide office right now would be committing political suicide to take too strong a stance on EITHER SIDE of the Israel question right now.

Being closed mouth is the best strategy...answering as ambiguously as possible is the second best strategy.

She is doing exactly what I expect of her...the smart thing. She is doing what I hope of her for right now.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2015 07:29 am
revelette2 wrote:
I really want a democrat who is strong enough to stand against Israel if the need arises. Judging by an article and poll taken Huffingpost, I am not alone in that.

Not likely that you will find many anti-Semitic politicians in the US, at least if you want prominent politicians in a mainstream political party.
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2015 07:34 am
So, tell me what do you call Jews who want a two state solution and actually support the UN move to recognize Palestine as a State?

Netanyahu’s Reelection Pushes J Street to the Left

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