Senator who spearheaded letter to Iran got $1 Million from Kristol's 'Energency C'tee for Israel'

Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 02:06 pm
No no Korkamann. 10,000 years old. Ask any bible thumper and they can prove with their bible.

Many religious persons, including many scientists, hold that God created the universe and the various processes driving physical and biological evolution and that these processes then resulted in the creation of galaxies, our solar system, and life on Earth. This belief, which sometimes is termed "theistic evolution," is not in disagreement with scientific explanations of evolution. Indeed, it reflects the remarkable and inspiring character of the physical universe revealed by cosmology, paleontology, molecular biology and many other scientific disciplines.

Advocates of "creation science" hold a variety of viewpoints. Some claim that Earth and the universe are relatively young, perhaps only 5,000 to 10,000 years old. These individuals often believe that the present physical form of Earth can be explained by "catastrophism" ( the theory that changes in the earth's crust during geological history have resulted chiefly from sudden violent and unusual events. ), including a worldwide flood, and that all living things (including humans) were created miraculously, essentially in the forms we now find them.

Other advocates of creation science are willing to accept that Earth, the planets, and the stars may have existed for millions of years. But they argue that the various types of organisms and especially humans, could only have come about with supernatural intervention, because they show "intelligent design."

an appearance consistent with the range of phenotypes in modern humans.

Wiki: "Anatomically modern humans evolved from archaic Homo sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago.[3] The emergence of anatomically modern human marks the dawn of the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens,[4] i.e. the subspecies of Homo sapiens that includes all modern humans. The oldest fossil remains of anatomically modern humans are the Omo remains, which date to 195,000 (±5,000) years ago and include two partial skulls as well as arm, leg, foot and pelvis bones.[5][6]"

Earth is 4.5 BILLION years old and it is relatively young in comparison to some planets outside of our galaxy. You, Rabel222, are on the right track.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 02:14 pm
There's a big difference between a religious person and a religious nutcase. We've got both on A2K, Smileyrius is a religious person, Squeakybro is a certifiable nutcase. I suspect Rabel was talking about the latter.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 02:26 pm

It's not working, Western leaders still line up to be photographed with Obama.

That is because Western leaders are intelligently observing the complete chaos within the Republican Party. Mitch McConnell wanted to become Majority Leader for the longest. He finally got his chance as head of the Senate. So the first thing under his leadership is the inability to pass the Homeland Security bill for a year but only for a few weeks. Second, the most outlandish act by this corrupt politician is the signing of a letter to the Ayatollah to say you cannot deal with my president because once he leaves office the next president will void said agreement! If this is what one calls leadership, damn, the Republicans are in worse shape than I thought. McConnell (KY) was the one who said on Obama's first night as president, he "would do everything in his power to make sure he fails and unable to serve a second term." McConnell (whose dead looking eyes remind one of a zombie) is a metastasizing cancer, but he's not alone, most of the Republicans follow his lead. Western leaders follow closely what is going on in the American government, as witnessed by your perceptive insight into US justice system. The Republicans are a bunch of clowns, displaying their political antics before the global community.

Nobody, other than Netanyahu, wants to be associated with the far right extremists in the Republican party, it would be political suicide.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 02:33 pm
And by our standards Obama is right wing. Not really right wing mind you, about the same as our right wing politicians. Anybody who tried to get rid of Universal Health Care would be thrown into electoral obscurity.

The Republicans have no natural allies in Europe, not electable ones anyway.

And we've not forgotten the disaster that was George W Bush. Tony Blair was admired, respected and seen as a great success until he made the fateful error of cosying up to Bush. Instead of being remembered for bringing peace to Northern Ireland, introducing the minimum wage, intervening successfully in Kosovo and defending democracy in Sierra Leone, he will always be remembered for the illegal action in Iraq.
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Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 02:50 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Nobody, other than Netanyahu, wants to be associated with the far right extremists in the Republican party, it would be political suicide..

Pardon...my faux pas. The above statement by you should have been deleted from my last response post to you.

Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 02:55 pm
That's Ok, you can quote me if you want. It's very good for my ego.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 04:57 pm


What I don't understand, is if the Republicans hope to regain the White House, why would they sabotage the appearance of unity and then inherit the tarnished label of former leader of the free world.

You don't quite get it do you, glitter? The right-wing Repukes wish to NULLIFY Obama's presidency. One way to do this is to try and make him fail on the international stage by stubbornly obstructing him at every term and trying to interfere with the sensitive talks between Iran, the US and our European allies, including Russia. The president of the US possess executive privileges which belong to the president of the US exclusively. The Repukes are claiming the President has to discuss this

privilege with them before employing said powers. Whenever Obama chooses
to use them, the right-wingers contend he's acting like a Monarch or emperor. The Repukes have refused to put a jobs' bill on the table for infrastructure repairs, or any other kind of jobs bill that would help reduce unemployment among the American people; they are willing to hurt the American citizen just to spite this president. I have encountered picayune minds before but never so many collectively; I find the Republicans actions so objectionable and offensive
that one is reminded of highly venomous deadly reptiles at an early stage of development - handle them at your own peril. The Tea Party which has consumed the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, and seemingly the majority leader of the senate, Mitch McConnell, is so unspeakably evil that I cannot think of anything humane to say about that group except it now seem to have conquered the entire Establishment Republican Party and this is destructive to our government. Remember last year when these "whacko-birds" shut down the government because Obama refused to rescind the law of the land, the ACA?

The 47 repukes who signed the letter committed a treasonous act!

These elected representatives are behaving like war lords. I'm deeply offended that the people who are sitting in Congress think it's ok to make up the rules on the fly.

They are acting like a bunch of venomous as*Holes, with spitefulness coursing through their veins. Today's GOP represent the dark side of humanity. They come across as the kind of people who lynched black men in the 50s for fun on a Saturday afternoon picnic.

Take some responsibility and get off your asses and actually vote. We need to put a stop to these opportunists playing to the lowest common denominator.

I certainly could not agree more. One day, people will begin to comprehend how extremely important mid-term elections are and how desperately each
vote is needed if there is to be a transformation toward decent governmental governing. I don't want to wait until the Latinos, the fastest growing minority demographic take over within a couple of decades; I would like to see these fu*kers taken out beginning in November 2015.

Maybe my response was not as clear as I hoped it would be, I do understand they want to nullify Obama, but while they do that they also diminish the office of POTUS. What happens after the next election, we really don't know who will get the vote, but the pattern has been set. You are in Congress, you don't like the president, well tough cheese America, I'm no longer going to represent the constituents because I have have partisan majority issues on my mind.

I don't ever want to see another Congressional jerk yell 'You lie' during the State of the Union. The bar has been lowered, I don't know if it will ever be raised back up where it belongs.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 05:02 pm

There's a big difference between a religious person and a religious nutcase. We've got both on A2K, Smileyrius is a religious person, Squeakybro is a certifiable nutcase. I suspect Rabel was talking about the latter.

Rabel222's response was tongue-in-cheek. I understood fully where he was coming from. I merely took the opportunity to delve deeper into detail re Creationism and Science.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 05:29 pm

That's Ok, you can quote me if you want. It's very good for my ego.

My thanks for your understanding. The statement by itself was good and I wish I had thought of it. Had I intended to use your words as a quote I would naturally have placed quotation marks around same.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 06:40 pm
Maybe my response was not as clear as I hoped it would be, I do understand they want to nullify Obama, but while they do that they also diminish the office of POTUS. What happens after the next election, we really don't know who will get the vote, but the pattern has been set. You are in Congress, you don't like the president, well tough cheese America, I'm no longer going to represent the constituents because I have have partisan majority issues on my mind.

The point I wish to highlight is this particular right-wing group of Republicans are blinded by their deep racism against this African American, the first ever to hold this exalted position of President of the US. The Republicans blinding hatred blocks their view of any future consequences stemming from their now bigoted behavior. They only thing they can realistically see and do is try and thwart the current president by indulging in the systemic collective sin of racism.

For what it's worth, Obama realized being the first of his kind to attain this position it would not be easy. But as he suffers from the evil taunts and deliberate obstructions from the malicious Republicans he is not alone because all those who voted for him are suffering with him. Those GOP targeting Obama are on digital record and this will come in handy in the future if ever running for higher office. They say "revenge is a dish best served up cold."

I don't ever want to see another Congressional jerk yell 'You lie' during the State of the Union. The bar has been lowered, I don't know if it will ever be raised back up where it belongs.

Wasn't that the most disgusting show of disrespect for a President of the US ever?! It was Joe Wilson, the a*s*s*hole, who shouted during the State of the Union speech by President Obama "You lie." He's from South Carolina, these bible states are known for their deep-rooted hatred of minorities and blacks in particular. I would not be surprised if Wilson belonged to the KKK. Being a minority of multi-mixed racial background, the closest I go south is Virginia and that is usually attending a workshop with a diverse group of highly educated colleagues.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 07:02 pm
Well I agree. Every time someone points out the obvious racism, opponents claim the moral high ground, as if they had a leg to stand on. I don't believe party affiliation equates to racist, but even following Obama's first election victory, both the house and senate leaders refused the first meeting because of calendar conflict. Can anyone remember that ever happening before?

Boenher and Mitch should be embarrassed, but they aren't, because they only care about the yahoos who respond to the clarion call to rev up the hate. It's job security. So, in my opinion, Boenher and McConnell are the King and Queen of the bottom feeders.

Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 07:21 pm

Boehner and Mitch should be embarrassed, but they aren't, because they only care about the yahoos who respond to the clarion call to rev up the hate. It's job security. So, in my opinion, Boehner and McConnell are the King and Queen of the bottom feeders.

John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are pure filth and represent the politics of retardation. They are the dark side of our species. They're the type to start wars for enough money. If by some unforeseen misfortune Hillary Clinton is not elected president of the US and to the American people's misfortune a Republican is elected, we will be in a war with Iran and an expanded war in the middle east. Among the current GOP group, there simply are no decent candidates and each and every one stink to high hell.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 09:31 pm
If we are headed for a potential 12 more years of war, we need more skin in the game. Most Americans don't even think about the troops unless the are buying a magnet proclaiming 'I support our troops' or stating to someone in uniform "Thank you for your service". It's clean, no sweat, no sacrifice, let's lower lower taxes.......well how about let's bring back the draft?

We can sit home without a care in the world, worry that providing healthcare to the uninsured will bankrupt our way of life, despite employment rising we pretend the economy is in shambles, and...oh, by the way, Apple has introduced the newest geegaw we can't live without, the wrist computer!!!!!!! Hooray for progress.

FDR prosecuted profiteers during WWII. But not us, we worship huge corporations, ignore the ramifications of big pharma, big factory farms, and debate if we should eat cloned beef. I don't have another 50 years ahead of me, but I have children and grandchildren. If you think the Kock brothers are concerned about the welfare of future generations, wake the hell up.

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Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2015 11:16 pm
They are responding to their citizens so they can be reelected. Screw common sense and the rest of the country. Sometimes I think Lincoln made a mistake.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 06:41 am
White House Issues Saturday Night Iran Deal Warning To Senate

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 08:26 am
Maybe my response was not as clear as I hoped it would be, I do understand they want to nullify Obama, but while they do that they also diminish the office of POTUS. What happens after the next election, we really don't know who will get the vote, but the pattern has been set. You are in Congress, you don't like the president, well tough cheese America, I'm no longer going to represent the constituents because I have have partisan majority issues on my mind.

I agree and understand, it is the very point critics of the letter have been pointing out since the letter was sent and hit the press. However, the republicans who sent this letter and think like them do not care even if by some unlucky chance their guy or girl gets in there, they will just say the last president was a mistake (don't know how I can word it) and what he did in his term does not matter. They don't seem to put themselves into the thinking of other world leaders when it comes to things like this, or if they do, they just will tell themselves they can force their ways on everyone else regardless of what the rest of the world leaders think because everyone else has to go along with the US thereby making us more hated than before. They don't have any respect for world leaders other than Israel anyway, it seems to me, maybe to a lesser degree the UK, if of course they go along with us.
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Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 09:03 am
There is just one way to end America's neverending wars. Reinstitute a draft and make it inclusive of all strata of society, from age 18 through 35. Not going to happen, of course, as long as volunteers feed the system as is.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 09:20 am
This "senator" just "explained" his position on Meet The Nation.

I only gagged a few times.

I'm sure he considers his short-sightedness to be incisiveness.

How sad it is that something like this pompous fraud has the ability essentially to speak for our nation.

But, the 6 million people of Arizona get to choose their two Senators...and each of them has the same influence as the two the 36 million people of California send.

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 01:54 pm
I don't believe party affiliation equates to racist, but even following Obama's first election victory, both the house and senate leaders refused the first meeting because of a calendar conflict. Can anyone remember that ever happening before?

What I remember after Obama's first inauguration was the traditional call to the Minority Leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell. Mrs. McConnell answered the phone saying "Mitch was asleep." He wasn't asleep, like who the hell could go to sleep during the making of such a groundbreaking event, the election of the first American black president?! The reality was so overwhelming to the GOP, and in particular the Kentucky senator, that he could not bring himself to answer the phone call, extending congratulations to the President-elect. I don't doubt what you say regarding the GOP's refusal to attend Obama extended first meeting as this black man's election was a traumatic blow from Day One, which they still have yet to recover.
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Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 08:37 pm
@Frank Apisa,
A system that has mainly worked for many years exempting the last 6 years. But the house is the place that needs to be revamped.
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