korkamann wrote:The US must first try to be successful in these talks with Iran and not put Israel's political concerns before that of America.
Israel's political concerns align with America's. Neither country will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons.
korkamann wrote:If America is on track and prosperous in these talks then it's in a better position to protect its client state, Israel.
Israel is hardly a client state.
korkamann wrote:But that's not what bothers Bibi Netanyahu. He's politically exercising and seeking to remain in power by using Israel's powerful influence over the US congress to thwart any progress President Obama might achieve along with his European allies. He is trying to keep the Israeli people in a state of fear and saying he alone is the only one who will keep them safe.
No, Mr. Netanyahu genuinely thinks that the deal with Iran will be a bad move.
I differ with him on this. While I agree that the deal isn't perfect, I think that things will be a lot better with the deal than without.
But Mr. Netanyahu has every right to disagree with me on this or any other matter.
korkamann wrote:Netanyahu realizes Israel cannot take on Iran alone; it would need the powerful military capability of the US to do so;
Anyone who is familiar with Israel's military capabilities knows that Israel is capable of destroying Iran's illegal nuclear weapons program.
korkamann wrote:therefore, Israel would want the US to go to war with Iran.
Israel is perfectly willing to go to war with Iran by themselves. They just are being pressured not to do so.
Nonsense like your above comment is likely to be counterproductive to Mr. Obama's goal of convincing Israel not to attack Iran.
korkamann wrote:That is a No-No!
If there is no other way to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, Mr. Obama will order the bombing of Iran himself.