korkamann wrote:How true, Rabel. The brouhaha over Clinton's private server which really belongs to the former President Clinton is conducted through a prism of distortion, i.e., sheer fear!
No, people are just once again asking that the Left behave ethically and obey the law (a perfectly reasonable request I might add). And once again the Left are throwing a tantrum and proclaiming themselves above the law.
korkamann wrote:They did a fishing expedition regarding White Water...nothing there.
Translation: The attorney general authorized an investigation of Whitewater, and a bunch of the Clintons' close associates were convicted of a range of felonies.
korkamann wrote:Hillary Clinton is leaving all the Republican candidates in the dust and there is no way in hell mainstream America would vote for a Repuke.
You are confusing your daydreams with reality.
korkamann wrote:...the prize is almost in her grasp.
Not really. After the 2013 gun control debacle, the Republicans are guaranteed to win the White House in 2016 no matter who the Democrats nominate.
If Hillary gets the nomination, the only thing she is going to have to worry about is writing a good concession speech.