Why do black women like white men

Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 09:07 am
Hmm maybe it does related to morals as in the moral duty of anyone bringing children into the world to do so in a manner that given them the best chance of having fruitfull lives

Yes morals, not race. That was always my point.
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 09:29 am
Yes morals, not race. That was always my point.

An my point once more is that on average repeat on average black men have the worst records of marrying the mothers of their children then any other group in US sociaty by far.

It is not racist for women of all colors to take such facts into account when picking mates and future fathers for thier children.

My guess is if women would do so on a large scale "male black culture" would change overnight as women are the gatekeepers of who will be thier mates and fahters of their children.
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 10:00 am
It is not racist for women of all colors to take such facts into account when picking mates and future fathers for thier children.

If this was the reason I couldn't argue with you to some degree. But this isn't the reason. They do it because they are influenced by a stereo type perpetuated the tv media, Hollywood, the Records; hip hop etc, and told what is suppose the American dream of fame fortune and money. Yes, blacks haven't done themselves any favors by helping to perpetuate the hip hop gangsta image.

They (the balck women who prefer white men) contribute too to it by buying into this image and degrading black men. It's a vicious cycle. If you emphasis a negative culture it grows because that is what sells.

What do you think will happen to decent people when you emphasis the negative and omit the positive decent ones to a world that is all to ready and easily bent and swayed on believing the worse of one group?

Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 10:20 am
I'm in my 60s and retired, but ever since my high school days I have know a lot of white women who would only date Black men. I know from personal experience that a lot of what the white women wanted or saw in the black male was based on a certain stereo type. It wasn't all sexual.
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 11:24 am
argome321 wrote:
I know from personal experience that a lot of what the white women wanted or saw in the black male was based on a certain stereo type.

Marantz? Pioneer? I had a Sansui outfit and I didn't exactly have a stream of women beating a path to my door.

Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 11:26 am
Sony's invention of the Walkman.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 11:32 am
You know I wrote that because you wrote "stereo type" (two words)?
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 11:35 am
You know I wrote that because you wrote "stereo type" (two words)?

Yeah, I realized that after I re-read it and laughed. So I went with it when I answered your reply. Laughing Mr. Green Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 11:55 am
Anaïs - Elle sort qu'avec des black

(Primarily about guys from the Caribbeans or West Africa, hence some of the references)

Elle aime bien le cliché antillais --- She likes the Caribbean cliché
Du gars bien habillé qui dit : --- The well-dressed guy who says:
"Tu danses comme au pays" --- "You can dance just like in my country"
Elle adore --- She adores
Qu’ils se pressent sur son corps --- When they press on her body
Tout doucement --- Slowly
En ondulant --- Undulating
Puis de plus en plus fort --- Then stronger and stronger

Ils savent se parfumer --- They know how to use perfume
Pour qu’elle se laisse enivrer --- And that intoxicates her
Elle ne peut pas résister --- She cannot resist
A les embrasser --- Kissing them
Dans le cou --- In the neck

Elle sort qu’avec des blacks --- She only does it with blacks
Elle sort qu’avec des blacks --- She only does it with blacks
Et quand son rêve se casse --- And when her dream breaks down
Un autre prend sa place --- Another one takes its place
Elle sort qu’avec des blacks --- She only goes out with blacks

Elle connaît toutes les musiques par cœur --- She knows all the songs by heart
Les succès du zouk et du ragga --- The success of zouk and ragga
Elle ne jure que par ça --- She swears by it
Elle comprend toutes les blagues en créole --- She gets all the jokes in Creole
Elle se sent bien --- She feels good
Parmi les siens --- Among her own
Quand un black la cajole --- When a black cajoles her

Et avec tout ce mimétisme --- And with all this mimicry
Un jour elle accouchera d’un beau métis --- One day she will give birth to a beautiful metis
Et pour un bébé café au lait, elle sera... --- And for her baby "coffee & milk", she will...
Gazou-gazou --- [Love him madly]

Elle sort qu’avec des blacks --- She only does it with blacks
Elle sort qu’avec des blacks --- She only does it with blacks
Et quand son rêve se casse --- And when her dream breaks down
Un autre prend sa place --- Another one takes its place
Elle sort qu’avec des blacks --- She only goes out with blacks

"Pardon mais je suis blanc et je dois dire que je ne comprends pas --- "Sorry but I'm white and I have to say I don't understand
Moi aussi je sens bon et je sais danser la salsa --- I too smell good and I know how to dance the salsa
Qu’est-ce que ces garçons qui la font frémir ont de plus que moi? --- What do these boys who thrill her have that I lack?
Je suis un bon cuistot, je sais faire le poulet coco --- I am a good cook, I can make coconut chicken
Je regorge de caresses et de tendresse --- I'm full of caresses and tenderness
Et pourquoi cette fille-là ne voudrait pas de moi ?" --- So why would that girl not want to be with me? "

Tu sais... --- Oh, you know ...

Elle sort qu’avec des blacks --- She only does it with blacks
Elle sort qu’avec des blacks --- She only does it with blacks
Et quand son rêve se casse --- And when her dream breaks down
Un autre prend sa place --- Another one takes its place
Elle sort qu’avec des blacks --- She only goes out with blacks
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 01:25 pm
tony5732 wrote:

That's not true. Bobsal lover.

Only when Bob wears black socks with his sandals, but have you seen Lordy in his grey sock sandal combo, Katy bar the door.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 06:24 pm
They (the balck women who prefer white men) contribute too to it by buying into this image and degrading black men.

It does not help that far more black women have college degrees then black males.
Reply Fri 24 Apr, 2015 08:01 pm
BillRM wrote:

They (the balck women who prefer white men) contribute too to it by buying into this image and degrading black men.

It does not help that far more black women have college degrees then black males.

do you have a number? It sounds like it runs 70/30.
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 12:14 am
do you have a number? It sounds like it runs 70/30.

Hawkeye you are in the ball park it would seems.

Not good for highly educated black women as they will either need to compete for white men and other such non-black men. or settle for having black mates with far less of a future and careers then they command.



Black Women Students Far Outnumber Black Men at the Nation's Highest-Ranked Universities

The wide gender gap that prevails at all stages of African-American higher education extends to the student bodies at our nation's highest-ranked universities. But in most cases the gap is smaller than the national average.

JBHE has consistently documented the fact that black women hold a large lead over black men in almost every facet of higher education. Black women currently earn about two thirds of all African-American bachelor's degree awards, 70 percent of all master's degrees, and more than 60 percent of all doctorates. Black women also hold a majority of all African-American enrollments in law, medical, and dental schools.

Looking exclusively to undergraduate higher education, the latest Department of Education figures show that black women account for 63.6 percent of all African-American enrollments.

JBHE recently surveyed the nation's 30 highest-ranked universities to determine if the gender gap in African-American higher education was more, or less, pronounced at these institutions than in the nation as a whole. The answer is that there is a gender gap, but it is generally smaller than the national average.

Twenty-six of the 30 highest-ranked universities responded to our survey. Those institutions that declined to provide black enrollment data by gender were Wake Forest University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Southern California, and Carnegie Mellon University.

The JBHE survey found that at 23 of the 26 institutions that responded to our queries, there were more black women enrolled than black men. Only at the University of Notre Dame, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the California Institute of Technology did black men outnumber black women. The curriculum at CalTech and MIT is heavily oriented to the sciences, engineering, and mathematics, fields where men typically outnumber women by a large margin. The reason for the comparatively low number of black women at Notre Dame is not apparent. Women were not admitted to the university until the early 1970s. Even today, it should be noted that men of all races greatly outnumber women at Notre Dame.

Black women make up a very large 71.7 percent of all African-American enrollments at Emory University in Atlanta. This is the largest black gender gap among the 26 universities in our survey. Also, black women are 68.1 percent of the African-American enrollments at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At Berkeley, Northwestern, and Cornell, black women make up a larger percentage of the total African-American enrollments than the national average, which as stated earlier is 63.6 percent.

But at the vast majority of high-ranking universities, the black student gender gap is less pronounced than the national average. However, it must be pointed out again that in almost all cases, black women substantially outnumber black men at these institutions.

Why is the black gender gap in enrollments generally smaller at these high-ranking universities than in the nation as a whole? In all probability, the reason is because these institutions are highly selective in their admissions policies. Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Stanford admit fewer than one in eight students who apply. Thus, these universities have great leeway in molding their student bodies to create racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. It is reasonable to assume that if these universities take race into account in the admissions process, they might also consider gender. As a result, black men might have a slight advantage over black women in the admissions process as these universities make an effort to balance the student body by race and gender.
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 04:48 am
The statistic appear to be irrelevant. The question is why are these women having so many babies out of wedlock... If they are so educated? You think that someone is putting a gun to their heads? Maybe it's a sub culture with relaxed morals?
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 05:34 am
The question is why are these women having so many babies out of wedlock... If they are so educated? You think that someone is putting a gun to their heads? Maybe it's a sub culture with relaxed morals?

First the sub section of black women who are highly educated may or may not be having babies out of wedlocked at the same rate as other black women.

Have not look into the matter yet.

But I do think that the so called current black culture is promoting the idea of men as players and not as family men and black women as a whole are allowing black men to do so.

In the 1950's the out of wedlocked brith rate for the black community was around 20 percents so this player ideal is something that had grown in my lifetime.

A short note I once have a white couple next door that had been living together for many years.

When the man told his lady that he wished to started a family with her she told him ok but you are going to need to married me first.

That is the responsible thing to do on her part and she knew that she was the gatekeeper in that regard.

Why black women are allowing black men to get away with fathering children on them and then walking away is a interesting question but whatever the answer might be it does not change the fact that black men are a proven very bad bet when it come to them being good fathers.
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 05:58 am
Re: argome321 (Post 5940465)
The question is why are these women having so many babies out of wedlock... If they are so educated? You think that someone is putting a gun to their heads? Maybe it's a sub culture with relaxed morals?

First the sub section of black women who are highly educated may or may not be having babies out of wedlocked at the same rate as other black women.

Have not look into the matter yet.

But I do think that the so called current black culture is promoting the idea of men as players and not as family men and black women as a whole are allowing black men to do so.

In the 1950's the out of wedlocked brith rate for the black community was around 20 percents so this player ideal is something that had grown in my lifetime.

A short note I once have a white couple next door that had been living together for many years.

When the man told his lady that he wished to started a family with her she told him ok but you are going to need to married me first.

That is the responsible thing to do on her part and she knew that she was the gatekeeper in that regard.

Why black women are allowing black men to get away with fathering children on them and then walking away is a interesting question but whatever the answer might be it does not change the fact that black men are a proven very bad bet when it come to them being good fathers.

In truth I have no argument with you. In fact I agree, but my concern is that decent Black males will suffer for this. The images that are out there of Black men are very very negative and making matters worse it would seem.

We also have a culture that does nothing nothing to dissuade this current tread. In fact we have a culture that does everything but dissuade this thread.

Our school system has to take blame when colleges allow athletes a free pass on education because they make money for their schools.

...The billion dollar industry of marketing and exploiting and fostering gansta life style etc.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 07:27 am
argome321 wrote:

The statistic appear to be irrelevant. The question is why are these women having so many babies out of wedlock... If they are so educated? You think that someone is putting a gun to their heads? Maybe it's a sub culture with relaxed morals?

The women having kids out of wedlocks may not be the same as those going to college. I suppose there's variety among black women too, differences in origins, cultures, religion, wealth, etc.

And there's nothing immoral about having kids out of wedlocks.
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 08:37 am
And there's nothing immoral about having kids out of wedlocks.

I entirely agree. It's probably why I used the term relaxed morals.
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 09:02 am
And there's nothing immoral about having kids out of wedlocks.

Sure there is when it had been shown by studies after studies over decades that having children out of wedlock is harmful to those children futures.

Kind of similar to drinking, smoking or doing drugs when carrying a child.
Reply Sat 25 Apr, 2015 09:08 am
I agree that the presence of a stable and gainfully employed male at home is useful, but guess that sometimes you can't get that... If none of the men a woman dates want to marry, over and over again, is she to remain barren?

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