To repeat, state laws in 48 of the 50 states mandate that their eectors must vote for the winner of the popular vote in that state, which means the popular vote is directly related to the ec vote. The kicker is that the 2 votes for electors rpresenting the sensators in the state make an anti-democratic bonus for smaller population states. Which is hy there is the push on to get enough states to total 260 votes to agree that their electors must vote for the winner of the popular vote. If states can mandate electors to vote for the winneerr of the popular vote in that state, they clearly cn mandate the electors vote for the winner of the popular vote, and democracy will triumph. As to why the ec is anti-democrqtic and against the values we hold dear today, consider theis. California has the same population as thw 22 smallest populated states in aggregate. Th electors representing House members are roughly the same for California and the 22 states. But California has only 2 electors representing SenTE SEATS WHILE THE 2 smlaller states have 44 in aggregate, which means they have a heavy anti-democratic edge in presidential election.. Help democracy win. Make sure your state backs the popular vote initiative.