MontereyJack wrote:If the electoral college treated people egually, prima face Hilary would have won the ec.
The electoral college requires candidates to win across a broad area instead of in a few isolated high-population zones where the vote can be manipulated.
Hillary didn't win across a broad enough area.
MontereyJack wrote:She didn't because the ec does NOT count people equally.
Requiring candidates to win across a broad area does not mean that people are not being treated equally. It merely means that people outside the largest cities get to be heard too.
MontereyJack wrote:Which is precisely why there is a national push on for a measure to reuire states to mandate their electors must vote for the winner of the national popular vote.
If Democrats ever succeed in getting this passed into law, it's going to be funny listening to them squeal whenever all their electoral votes are forced to go to Republicans who won the popular vote.