It also doesn't mean that they ARE out there. It's been studied again and again, and they never find any significant amount. Ken Paxton, the fire-breathing Texas AG charged fraud and launched a arge investigation. He got ONE convictin that;s ONE, of a badly confused Mexican woman who got conflicting information from voting registrars. And shw as a REPUBLICAN. So much fir massive Democratic fraud. It's all wild-evyed Republican horseshit.
The electoral college was specifically set up so that all voters did not get counted equally. It's done that for 200 plus years. We are one country. Everybody should have equal weight. And yes. Hillary outvoted Trump.
I think America would be improved by having the FBI and IRS go over Robert De Niro's life with a fine-toothed comb, and then having him prosecuted for any crimes (no matter how trivial) that are discovered.