revelette1 wrote:
Say an immigration bill came up, those kinds of votes nearly always come down to partisan votes. If there are hold-outs, democrats could lose the vote if republicans are able to work on those who are more moderate.
All the democrats would have to do is make the bill itself a little more centrist to get the necessary votes from these centrist democrats. I don't know what that would look like for this immigration bill but you know all of the democrats would at the very least support the Dreamers and a path to citizenship. Even this dude most likely.
We passed Obamacare with several centrist democrats and the independent Joe Lieberman. Sure, we didn't get medicare for all or some other items that would have been nice....but we got a pretty damn good healthcare bill passed and it was the biggest and best thing the government has done in my lifetime.
Centrist politicians are frustrating for the people on the far left or far right, but considering that over half the country considers themselves in the center, they are representing a huge population.