@cicerone imposter,
Remember the republican tax reform? It gave over 80% of the benefits to the rich. To pay for those tax cuts, (loss of revenue), the republicans must now make up that shortage by cutting social security and more cuts in Medicare. Trump increased the national debt by more than $1 trillion dollars during his first 14 months in office. To balance the budget, the republican government will work to cut more Medicare and social security benefits. From Forbes.com.
Quote:If the GOP is able to maintain its congressional majorities, the year after the election -- 2019 -- makes some sense. OMB Director Mick Mulvaney and others have already said the budget deficit will be much higher in fiscal 2018 so the Republican-induced deficit hysteria may not reach the fevered pitch the GOP needs to push Social Security and Medicare cuts until 2019 rolls around. But with the tax bill's projected revenue loss expected to spike the deficit to $1 trillion or more in 2019, Mulvaney likely to be long gone and a new OMB director sounding the deficit alarm, that might be the year.
Why do Americans keep voting in republicans? Do they hate social security and Medicare that much?