Quote The Cobbler:
Quote:Scott Pruitt Can’t Escape His Investigations Just Because He Resigned
Maybe yes, maybe no. I mean, when this Administration has the Attorney General meeting with Russian officials and lying to the Senate about it, two "national security advisors", (Flynn and Page) who might have been on the Kremlin's payroll, Russians writing foreign policy parts of the Republican campaign platform and so much more, to save legal manpower the Feds might have to split prosecutions up into to two groups: National Security connected and Not National Security connected. With the National Security connected cases receiving priority.
It's very possible that if Pruitt's money-grubbing crookedness is confined to shaking down native-grown companies who merely seek to continue poisoning our next generations, he might get off on an easy plea deal so the Feds can devote more people to prosecuting the Trump Team's attempted deliverance of the US to Putin on a silver platter.